How will land be distributed if not by ownership? How will it be decided which house a person gets?

In an equal Money System- it’s about self responsibility- meaning that which you take on as ‘yours’ you take on as your responsibility and you thus have the responsibility to care for such thing in a way that’s best for all and cause no harm to another. So, rather than owning something, you’ll be responsible for it.

In an Equal Money System you won’t be able to buy slaves to do your ‘dirty work’ for you- such as to clean your house or work your land for you- thus whatever land or house you have you would be responsible for the upkeep and how it is utilized.

So from this perspective, individuals are going to eventually choose houses that they are actually able to effectively take care of, depending on how much effort they’re willing to put into it. In cases where a house or land is not being properly taken care of making sure to keep it sanitary and not a hazard to others, then there must be intervention to not allow the abuse to continue.

And land will not be able to be abused as it is now, where those with money to can simply purchase the land and purchase the ‘rights’ to use it as they see fit in order to make a profit without regard of the effects of the use of that land on all life, on the wildlife and people living on or near that land, as is done so currently– like you have now where whole landscapes are altered completely disrupting the natural habitats of the local wildlife, which can alter our ecosystem in ways that cause extensive harm to life.

Land is not here to be bought and sold to make a profit off of it- it’s here as a gift which can provide enough for all to thrive when it is not being abused for profits, and should not be allowed to be used in such a way that it cause harm and disregard life, as this is a major factor in where we find ourselves now, in the current state of the world, where busineses and corporations are literally running-amok with the earths resources, causing untold harm and suffering throughout existence.

In the Equal Money System we’ll thus utilize land and housing as responsible custodians according to what we’d actually like and are able to take responsibility for – this will eventually bring the end to the abuse of nature, and we’ll have much less problems and issues arising from the displacement of species from their habitats and the altering of the land or bodies of water on it, and such things will only be done if it’s of benefit to all- as we’ll actually be free to do that which is supportive, and no longer be able to be forced and enslaved into doing things that cause abuse and bring harm to life.

For more perspective on this point, check out this video: How will land be distributed or how will it be decided who gets what house? – Equal Money FAQ

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