This event and how it was handled ‘makes sense’, so to speak, within the ‘story’ which we’ve all been playing out, like the ‘roles’ or ‘parts’ we’ve been playing in this jumbo collective ‘movie’ of humanity as ‘nations’, as our nations are like giant ‘personalities’ made up of all our ‘little’ personalities. And our histories (plural because each has their own his-story) are like our ‘stories’ that we look back on as what defines us. The fact that we would celebrate such a thing, shows how little we’ve changed at all, how we still haven’t learned from our history, how we still have not yet understood the duplicity within such an action.


Throughout history, we have celebrated ‘victories’ and for all the celebrating fighting has never stopped, war has never stopped- so then what is actually being celebrated? Winning. The other side of winning is losing- within this polarity, there is no winning without someone losing. We know there is always this polarity, we learn this from sports when we’re growing up- the winner gets to feel superior and the loser inferior- and if you have had the experience of being the loser- you know that the winner do not look so cool from that angle- in fact you might want to do nasty things to him, but at the least, you see that he is not such a ‘winner’ as he thinks he is, because you see how his nature is actually spiteful, because he sees himself as ‘better’ than you- and there is nothing honorable within that, no being would want to be treated that way, or would consider that respectful. And in fact, many go to War as a reaction to that behavior, as a justification to kill another, and be happy about it.


Thus we repeat our history over and over, because we have not changed our behavior. When you place yourself in the other shoes, and see what you look like from that angle- then we can realize who we really are, what we’re really doing, what is the actual affect of our behaviors. As long as we separate ourself from ‘others’- we are creating our own enemies, which is really stupid, because we are talking about war the actuality of which is atrocities that you would not want to experience.


Not to mention that when you look at history, and follow the money, because money is used extensively within wars- you can see that wars are propagated by and for those who financially benefit from it- those with the money, control the media, those that control the media, control public opinion, all forms of emotional, logical, mental manipulation in various topics and various ways are used to engender the necessary mindsets to carry out, participate in, and support these wars.


Celebrating this just feeds those installed mindsets, and literally planting the seeds for our future to still have wars. It’s like, we’re killing our children to come. By passing on the ‘sins of the fathers’ so to speak. That it’s come to a point where we saw it necessary to kill another, is unfortunate. And the killing has done nothing to prevent the situation from happening again- I’d say when it is a certainty that no human is grown in such a way that they become abusive and harm others- that’s what to celebrate. That will be Real victory.
