Category: Capitalism

I posted this in response to some comments about a blog post from the blog Economist’s Journey to Life, which you can read here: Day 137: Greece: The Birth and Death of Democracy. And I do suggest to read it, as it’s a really great post taking a look at a documentary (which you’ll find linked there) exposing the effects of Privatization within the situation that is now taking place in European countries like Greece. My response is in regards to the point mentioned toward the end of the blog post, which mentions that there is a way out of the economic problems going on in the world, and it’s not so much a ‘way out’ as it is a ‘way in’ – as it’s to get into the Political system, and correct the system from within. This received some comments in response, where this blog post was posted on Reddit, in which the point of ‘the system is corrupt and thus you can’t use it or be a part of it without also being corrupted” is brought up as a reason/justification to not get involved in the political system. I decided to share my response here on my blog, to share these perspectives for consideration and to educate as to the current situation we’re facing, and the opportunity we have currently available to make change, and why it is that this change must currently come through becoming involved in the political system.

“Changing the system from without has been tested. If you study history of revolts you see none has made a real change for a better world as we still exist in worldwide wage-slavery, poverty, starvation, war exist, and more atrocities, more than ever. The system is too big to change from the outside, and people’s ‘livelihoods’ are directly attached to the system, and that’s why there is always plenty to defend the system against those that would stand against it, which is always a small percentage, as most are way too afraid and choose to stick with the relative comfort of the system. This is why militaries/armies exist, because people are desperate for financial security and so can be paid to kill each other. Thus why any revolt that stands out as a threat to the system-supporting public, is going to get ‘put down’. It’s just like how a human being immune system function, anything that ‘stands out’ as a threat to the bodily system, gets attacked and ‘immunized’. The system as it is has been placed in such a way that we could work within it to produce change, and that is why it was done this way, so it could be said that we had our opportunity, and thus we have chosen things the way they are. This is why politics has been played as something you want to have no part in, as that is exactly where change can happen, and does happen, through extensive lobbying, where the major industries use their collective wealth to pay for lobbyists to get laws made in their favor, and the employees of such interest group are happy with that as it supports/protects their method of income. So you can start to see if you haven’t already, just how ‘interconnected’ we are with the system, as it’s the system we currently live off of, and depend on for our survival, and thus why it will be and has been protected at all costs if it is openly attacked. Thus the only solution currently is to get into a position in the system where you can have an impact and change it from within or be squished like a little bug. Those in positions of power got there not by doing only what they wanted to or felt good about, but by doing what it took, thus we have to be equal in our determination to do what it takes, and not get stuck on how we’d like to do it, and thus never end up taking the actions necessary to make a difference. This non-violent option of utilizing the system to change it from within is the option that is here, and we don’t know how long this window will be open, where we have a chance to make a change, and without bloodshed and violence. It’s not likely we’ll get a better option than this.”

Within this, one can also get involved with the formulation of the policies that are being developed within the Equal Money System, which is the economic system being developed from the ground up on the principle of supporting and caring for all of life, leaving no one out. This is the future of politics, where politics will be decided and implemented by the people, which actually cares for the people and all of life here, as nature and the animals, as our survival depends on this earth and our environment, and our quality of life is directly linked to the quality of all life here.

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Do you notice where you find yourself competing with your other fellow employees, because you can’t all ‘win’, you can’t all get the bonuses, and this puts you in a position where you’re against each other, instead of working together toward the common goal, you’re now working in separation for ‘potential rewards’. And the only reason this competition exists, is because there are these possibilities/opportunities to get more money, but not for everyone. That means, very simply, it’s either ‘You or Them’. So now your focus is distracted from the task at hand, and now focused on ‘beating everyone else’ to get to that prize. And for many people, this is not something that sits well, as most people don’t want to be against one another, but would much rather get along well and work together on things, but find oneself torn now between one’s own personal well-being/income and everyone else’s. In this, one will have to find whatever way one can to cope with or justify having to compete against one’s fellow man, like coming up with reasons like ‘why I deserve it more and they don’t’ and ‘I have to look out for myself/my family’.

What hasn’t been considered within this is the simple solution of giving to all equally, and giving enough that each and every individual can have a dignified life, the best quality life possible, where there is no worrying whether you will be able to get the healthcare you need, or the food you need, or adequate housing, education, etc.

If everyone gets the same support, competition will cease, because you won’t have to compete with others to get what you need and to have a dignified life. Then we can really focus on the tasks at hand and the productivity of humanity will not diminish, but will be of a higher quality, as when we work together on things, we are capable of so much more than when we’re all ‘on our own’ and having to work against each other.

What’s really incredible is the extent to which competition has been and is accepted as a ‘normal’ part of life, and it’s essentially forgotten that competition had to be conditioned in – we aren’t born with it. It’s something we learn through our family structures and in school, especially in sports for example, where winning is emphasized, and you’re separated into ‘teams’ instead of everyone being on the same ‘team’ and working together.

Some will argue that competition builds character, and it sure does – the question is, just what kind of character does competition create? The kind that has justified and accepted turning against one’s fellow man and seeking to ‘win’ no matter if it means someone else loses. And that is the very basis of our current economic system and our relationship toward/with it, in which we’ve accepted that only a few can ‘win’, while most everyone else has to ‘lose’, and never considering the option that everyone can win, and that if you winning means someone else losing, that is not really ‘winning’. The real way to win is to have a world where we’re actually supported to live in the best quality, and none are denied access to what we need here to live and thrive, that none are allowed to suffer for no good reason in order to make profits.

And it’s actually thought that using ‘incentive’ actually ‘increases productivity’, and you’ll have things like ‘quotas’ to meet at work, where what happens is this actually limits growth and productivity, because once you’ve met the quota, there’s no motivation then to go on any further, as your movement was dependent on that incentive. And where in the case of meeting a quota, the reward is usually actually the ‘avoidance of some form of punishment’, so your goal becomes totally removed from the actual task/job you’re doing. And that begs the question, why does what you’re doing require incentive to get you to do it? Is it not something you would do otherwise? So that really calls in to question the nature of what it is that we require incentive to do, and whether it is really the kind of jobs that are of benefit to ourselves and each other, and all of life here, or whether it’s jobs that only exist for the making of profits, without concern/regard for life?

See, we wouldn’t just naturally abuse ourselves and our home the earth and nature, but we had to be incentivized to do so, so that we won’t question what’s really being done and what are the actual consequences and outflows we’re creating, and why it is that we’re doing it, because we’ve been given a reason, it’s for a reward, which for many the ‘reward’ is literally one’s survival, and there is obviously no freedom in that. So it’s slavery, we’ve enslaved ourselves to/within this capitalist system where we must work within what’s available to us just to be able to survive, and thus there is really no free will in this reality, no ‘free choice’. Because not everyone can become, say, president of a country or a business. I mean, it’s obvious no starving child is ever going to be a wealthy business owner. And that even the majority of those in elite countries who are surviving in relative comfort, and living paycheck to paycheck, are not going to become world leaders or big-time CEO’s.

Obviously a system based on competition is not working, with most of the population living undignified lives, lacking even the most basic of needs, when there is plenty for all to live the best quality life. It’s as simple as no longer accepting a system that is based on us competing against one another, and instead one where the starting point principle is to work together, as the world we can create through cooperation is one in which no one starves. Where no one suffers from lack of clean drinking water, effective education, proper housing, or effective healthcare. I mean it really makes you wonder why haven’t we done this already and established an Equal Money System, so that we can give ourselves the best life possible, and All of us, not just a few with the most money in a system that doesn’t give enough to all, through which we’re allowing people, children to starve every day, when it can be prevented. Time to give ourselves the life we’ve always wished for – join us today at

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There’s still many many people who haven’t yet come to understand how simply cutting down one’s spending and stopping spending money, isn’t going to lead to a solution. Because they are still looking at it from within an individual perspective within their personal experience, of being one of the elites in the world, who has money in the first place, to consider not spending. They’ve not yet considered/realized that for actual change that will have an actual impact on changing this, it’s required to consider every single human being on this planet. And their living situations and what options they have or don’t have currently. Because most of the world’s population has no options. It’s only those living in elite countries that have options.

Only 28% of the world’s population is considered middle class, as defined by those who spend between $10-$100 a day. 2% is wealthy, and 70% is poor. Thus it’s only a minority that the idea of ‘not spending money’ applies to. And for global change to take place and last, we would require all of the population to be in a position to work toward this change.

The vast majority of the world’s population, 70%,  are poor. Poor means having limited or no choice in how you live your life. It means having to take what is available to you. For example, there are people who live off of crabs that they can catch because that is what is available to them and they will starve otherwise. Thus, the poor, the majority of the population, are already spending very little to no money at all, and that hasn’t changed anything. So that’s a clear indicator right there, that not spending money isn’t a solution. Because many already aren’t, and the result is that their life is an absolute struggle, and thousands die every day because they couldn’t get that which they required to survive- food, shelter, water, proper medical care, effective education.

In terms of changing the very nature of existence here for all life, if  only 30%  can change that means fuck-all (excuse the term, but it’s quite apt here – unless you consider all, all is fucked), because there is still the vast majority of 70%. So all solutions must consider the options that everyone currently has or does not have. And currently 70% of the world’s population has no real options. Thus, that is the primary point that must be taken into account within any possible solution. That is the point of the Equal Money System. To give everyone the ability to actually move in this world, and not be limited to spending each moment trying to survive.  Before you can even consider changing the world or yourself, you have to have your basic needs met. The Equal Money System will give everyone guaranteed access to your needs, so that you are not busy every moment with survival, and can actually consider things beyond that.

Money is like the blood of our system. All parts of the body require blood flow to function properly. What would happen in a body when some parts of the body, who already had enough blood, started hoarding it their excess blood? Within a body which, within the design of capitalism,  already is deliberately not allowed to have enough blood flowing through it to support all parts effectively?

So, let’s look at what would happen if the middle class stops spending the money that they have available to spend – corporations providing the products we’d be buying less of will lose business and have to resort to even more drastic methods of making money, than is done currently. They’ll charge less for their products in the hope that more people will buy them. This means that the slave laborers manufacturing and producing the goods  that are sold in elite countries will be paid even less, as companies will have to cut costs in any way they can, as corporations are actually required by law to ensure a certain amount of profit for their shareholders, which is people of elite countries holding those shares, who demand a return for their investment into said company. Corporations that can’t make enough profit will go belly up and then the slave laborers will have no jobs and thus no income at all.

So already we can see that within this plan, the result is actually more suffering, more will have even less access to their needs. The abuse continues.

In the event of the current middle class no longer buying stuff, those that are currently in positions of power within the current system might take actions to change middle classes, raise up some poor people who would be happy to spend money to finally get what they need, and knock down the stingy middle class who has decided not to buy stuff anymore. This would be done through wars and reallocation of wealth/money. Because the goal of those who orchestrate such events, is always profit, thus whatever means necessary will be taken to continue making profit. Just look at the history of the U.S. for a perfect example. Before industrialization and mass producing of goods, the American population was buying enough of the goods that were produced, but once industrialization hit, now there was an excess of goods. So, the business owners wanted to continue selling these goods to make more profit, and the working class’s survival was linked to the businesses, as those were their jobs and how they got the money they needed to get by, and if those businesses went belly up or couldn’t sell as much, due to increase in competition between companies to sell their products, there would be cuts in order to maximize profits, and people would be laid off and no longer have an income to be able to get what they need. So the U.S. went to war with other countries like Puerto Rico and Panama and essentially took them over in order to set up military bases in those countries for the purpose of establishing and protecting trade routes where products could be shipped to other countries, to broaden the market for their surplus goods.

But that will likely not happen, because you simply won’t get everyone to stop spending money. Have a look at a prevalent mentality of those in the middle class, where you are defined by what and how much you own. This programming runs thick, it is programmed into children from a very early age to define oneself by consumerism, where you will be actually treated as less than if you don’t have all the latest products. Watch the documentary “Consuming Kids: Commercialization of Childhood” to see how this is done. This is why in order for us to change the world, we’re going to have to change ourselves, to ensure that the values we live by are not based in consumerism but on what is actually best for life. What will be best for humans, for nature, for the animals, for everything that is here. Instead of ignoring these things which we depend on to survive, about which I’ll go into more detail in another blog.

Thus you can see that until we change the very nature of the current profit-based system which we’ve accepted and allowed, no real change will be possible. And to do that we must first change ourselves and the values and limitations we’re living as. As long as we’re allowing life to be taken advantage of and abused for the sake of profits, the abuse and suffering will continue. That is why the Equal Money System is being developed, as a system that will actually be based on doing that which is best for life – not profit.

So how do we go about changing the system? When considering how to change something, you must first understand how it was created – you must get to the actual source of the manifestation. The current profit based system as it currently exists was created through the political system. Have a look at how much resistance there is for most people to get involved in politics. This is no accident. We’ve been led to believe that politics is either too boring, or too complex, or that solution must come through revolution and violence. Because politics is the tool through which we can actually bring effective change, and violence gives reason the respond with force, which the system has plenty of, thus violence is no option. The other tactic used to keep people from implementing real actual change, was to give people the idea that one can change the world according to what they buy or don’t buy. Effectively channeling one’s want to do something and make a change in this world, into consumerism, and away from politics. And this has been happily accepted, as it’s much easier to read a label that says ‘organic’ or ‘made from recycled materials’ than to actually make the effort to educate oneself and expand oneself and get involved in the system.

Thus, change that is of any benefit will not come from looking for individual solutions that the whole group cannot apply.  Effective change will not come from a minority of the earth’s population changing their spending habits. The change that come from that is from a personal individual self interest perspective, looking at improving one’s own experience while not considering the whole picture, and the consequences and outflows in the rest of the world. What’s required is that the human change themself, those that are in a position where one has enough financial stability that their needs are met and they have the option to educate themself and get involved in bringing about change, to stop accepting things the way they are, and actually become a participant in what is here as the current system, to take the necessary actions that will lead to real change. This is the place where we’re coming together to do just that, and that is why we are developing a new system, the Equal Money System, because we see what is actually required to bring real change, and we’re standing up to do it.

Security systems and the various methods we humans employ to keep our ‘belongings’ and such ‘safe’ from each other have become so accepted and taken for granted that we don’t even stop to consider just how strange it is that such things are actually required – due to the current manifestation of our reality as one in which we actually keep things from one another and have accepted and allowed a system in which not everyone has access to the things in life that one needs or that makes life an enjoyable experience.

Do we ever stop to consider – Why do we have locks on doors? Why do we lock our cars? Why don’t we leave things unattended out in public? Why do people steal things? Yet when we do ask ourself this – we’ll tell ourself that ‘that’s just the way it is’ – some people are ‘bad’ and they steal things. We say this in ignorance of how our system actually functions – and how we’re actually creating this existence in such a way that many don’t have access to what’s here, because they don’t have money. They weren’t born into a position of financial support where they had the money to participate the same as everyone else – and thus they are essentially disregarded. Because we’ve accepted money as the currency that one require to be able to have access to things in this world – even to simply get the most basic needs that a human being requires to survive in this reality.

Look at your life and at all the things you’ve had access to because you had the money and imagine going through your life without those things – how would your life be different? What would your life be like? Or what has your life been like because you didn’t have access to the things you needed or that would have improved your life? What if you didn’t have access to an education? Or a car?

I mean, it’s pretty obvious why people would be driven to ‘steal’ things. Because they want that which might make their life better – everyone wants that – and it makes sense because wouldn’t you want to live to the fullest of your potential here, no one actually wants to be left out and not have access to what’s here.  And when someone has the opportunity to improve their quality of living standard – they’re going to weigh the risk and the possible benefit and some will take the gamble and some won’t, and still some will be too desperate they will not practically have a choice. When it comes down to getting what you need to survive in this world, you going to do whatever it takes for your self and your family.

So by accepting and allowing a system in which not all have access we have effectively created and guaranteed there will be those who must steal from others simply to exist here. So it follows that if we create a new system in which all have equal access – meaning none has less access than another – then this would practically eliminate the majority of theft that takes place as a ‘normal’ part of the current economic system. This would then mean – no longer having to make certain you’ve locked your doors, no more having to install expensive security systems to deter people from stealing, no longer having to buy theft insurance policies even, as there will simply no longer be a threat that your things might be stolen. Since everyone will have equal access to what’s here and no one will anymore be left out and ‘left wanting’.

Thus, in an Equal Money System, we’ll actually be able to live with one another and start to trust each other for the first time – and effectively end the fear of loss of having something of ours stolen – because there is no urge to steal something if you can already get it without stealing it – without having to take the risk involved with trying to steal something from another.

That’s a pretty simple obvious point and yet for the most part we just lock our doors and never give it another thought, so it’s imperative that we now realize that we can create another system, one that actually makes sense, because it’s based on supporting us as humanity to live here in the best way possible – and all of humanity equally – not only just a few, but all-included, because it’s when some are left out and not considered that we manifest a world in which we can’t trust each other and are forced to go into competition with one another- rather than manifesting a world together which is the best it can be.

In the Equal Money System all are considered and we can finally reduce crime, the majority of which is theft related, and can get down to some real living and enjoying ourselves in the things that matter – life will no longer be a competition with one another but we’ll be free to express ourselves as humanity as one being that cooperate and exist in harmony and as the stewards of this earth.