Tag Archive: politics

I posted this in response to some comments about a blog post from the blog Economist’s Journey to Life, which you can read here: Day 137: Greece: The Birth and Death of Democracy. And I do suggest to read it, as it’s a really great post taking a look at a documentary (which you’ll find linked there) exposing the effects of Privatization within the situation that is now taking place in European countries like Greece. My response is in regards to the point mentioned toward the end of the blog post, which mentions that there is a way out of the economic problems going on in the world, and it’s not so much a ‘way out’ as it is a ‘way in’ – as it’s to get into the Political system, and correct the system from within. This received some comments in response, where this blog post was posted on Reddit, in which the point of ‘the system is corrupt and thus you can’t use it or be a part of it without also being corrupted” is brought up as a reason/justification to not get involved in the political system. I decided to share my response here on my blog, to share these perspectives for consideration and to educate as to the current situation we’re facing, and the opportunity we have currently available to make change, and why it is that this change must currently come through becoming involved in the political system.

“Changing the system from without has been tested. If you study history of revolts you see none has made a real change for a better world as we still exist in worldwide wage-slavery, poverty, starvation, war exist, and more atrocities, more than ever. The system is too big to change from the outside, and people’s ‘livelihoods’ are directly attached to the system, and that’s why there is always plenty to defend the system against those that would stand against it, which is always a small percentage, as most are way too afraid and choose to stick with the relative comfort of the system. This is why militaries/armies exist, because people are desperate for financial security and so can be paid to kill each other. Thus why any revolt that stands out as a threat to the system-supporting public, is going to get ‘put down’. It’s just like how a human being immune system function, anything that ‘stands out’ as a threat to the bodily system, gets attacked and ‘immunized’. The system as it is has been placed in such a way that we could work within it to produce change, and that is why it was done this way, so it could be said that we had our opportunity, and thus we have chosen things the way they are. This is why politics has been played as something you want to have no part in, as that is exactly where change can happen, and does happen, through extensive lobbying, where the major industries use their collective wealth to pay for lobbyists to get laws made in their favor, and the employees of such interest group are happy with that as it supports/protects their method of income. So you can start to see if you haven’t already, just how ‘interconnected’ we are with the system, as it’s the system we currently live off of, and depend on for our survival, and thus why it will be and has been protected at all costs if it is openly attacked. Thus the only solution currently is to get into a position in the system where you can have an impact and change it from within or be squished like a little bug. Those in positions of power got there not by doing only what they wanted to or felt good about, but by doing what it took, thus we have to be equal in our determination to do what it takes, and not get stuck on how we’d like to do it, and thus never end up taking the actions necessary to make a difference. This non-violent option of utilizing the system to change it from within is the option that is here, and we don’t know how long this window will be open, where we have a chance to make a change, and without bloodshed and violence. It’s not likely we’ll get a better option than this.”

Within this, one can also get involved with the formulation of the policies that are being developed within the Equal Money System, which is the economic system being developed from the ground up on the principle of supporting and caring for all of life, leaving no one out. This is the future of politics, where politics will be decided and implemented by the people, which actually cares for the people and all of life here, as nature and the animals, as our survival depends on this earth and our environment, and our quality of life is directly linked to the quality of all life here.

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Do you notice where you find yourself competing with your other fellow employees, because you can’t all ‘win’, you can’t all get the bonuses, and this puts you in a position where you’re against each other, instead of working together toward the common goal, you’re now working in separation for ‘potential rewards’. And the only reason this competition exists, is because there are these possibilities/opportunities to get more money, but not for everyone. That means, very simply, it’s either ‘You or Them’. So now your focus is distracted from the task at hand, and now focused on ‘beating everyone else’ to get to that prize. And for many people, this is not something that sits well, as most people don’t want to be against one another, but would much rather get along well and work together on things, but find oneself torn now between one’s own personal well-being/income and everyone else’s. In this, one will have to find whatever way one can to cope with or justify having to compete against one’s fellow man, like coming up with reasons like ‘why I deserve it more and they don’t’ and ‘I have to look out for myself/my family’.

What hasn’t been considered within this is the simple solution of giving to all equally, and giving enough that each and every individual can have a dignified life, the best quality life possible, where there is no worrying whether you will be able to get the healthcare you need, or the food you need, or adequate housing, education, etc.

If everyone gets the same support, competition will cease, because you won’t have to compete with others to get what you need and to have a dignified life. Then we can really focus on the tasks at hand and the productivity of humanity will not diminish, but will be of a higher quality, as when we work together on things, we are capable of so much more than when we’re all ‘on our own’ and having to work against each other.

What’s really incredible is the extent to which competition has been and is accepted as a ‘normal’ part of life, and it’s essentially forgotten that competition had to be conditioned in – we aren’t born with it. It’s something we learn through our family structures and in school, especially in sports for example, where winning is emphasized, and you’re separated into ‘teams’ instead of everyone being on the same ‘team’ and working together.

Some will argue that competition builds character, and it sure does – the question is, just what kind of character does competition create? The kind that has justified and accepted turning against one’s fellow man and seeking to ‘win’ no matter if it means someone else loses. And that is the very basis of our current economic system and our relationship toward/with it, in which we’ve accepted that only a few can ‘win’, while most everyone else has to ‘lose’, and never considering the option that everyone can win, and that if you winning means someone else losing, that is not really ‘winning’. The real way to win is to have a world where we’re actually supported to live in the best quality, and none are denied access to what we need here to live and thrive, that none are allowed to suffer for no good reason in order to make profits.

And it’s actually thought that using ‘incentive’ actually ‘increases productivity’, and you’ll have things like ‘quotas’ to meet at work, where what happens is this actually limits growth and productivity, because once you’ve met the quota, there’s no motivation then to go on any further, as your movement was dependent on that incentive. And where in the case of meeting a quota, the reward is usually actually the ‘avoidance of some form of punishment’, so your goal becomes totally removed from the actual task/job you’re doing. And that begs the question, why does what you’re doing require incentive to get you to do it? Is it not something you would do otherwise? So that really calls in to question the nature of what it is that we require incentive to do, and whether it is really the kind of jobs that are of benefit to ourselves and each other, and all of life here, or whether it’s jobs that only exist for the making of profits, without concern/regard for life?

See, we wouldn’t just naturally abuse ourselves and our home the earth and nature, but we had to be incentivized to do so, so that we won’t question what’s really being done and what are the actual consequences and outflows we’re creating, and why it is that we’re doing it, because we’ve been given a reason, it’s for a reward, which for many the ‘reward’ is literally one’s survival, and there is obviously no freedom in that. So it’s slavery, we’ve enslaved ourselves to/within this capitalist system where we must work within what’s available to us just to be able to survive, and thus there is really no free will in this reality, no ‘free choice’. Because not everyone can become, say, president of a country or a business. I mean, it’s obvious no starving child is ever going to be a wealthy business owner. And that even the majority of those in elite countries who are surviving in relative comfort, and living paycheck to paycheck, are not going to become world leaders or big-time CEO’s.

Obviously a system based on competition is not working, with most of the population living undignified lives, lacking even the most basic of needs, when there is plenty for all to live the best quality life. It’s as simple as no longer accepting a system that is based on us competing against one another, and instead one where the starting point principle is to work together, as the world we can create through cooperation is one in which no one starves. Where no one suffers from lack of clean drinking water, effective education, proper housing, or effective healthcare. I mean it really makes you wonder why haven’t we done this already and established an Equal Money System, so that we can give ourselves the best life possible, and All of us, not just a few with the most money in a system that doesn’t give enough to all, through which we’re allowing people, children to starve every day, when it can be prevented. Time to give ourselves the life we’ve always wished for – join us today at http://equalmoney.org.

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Alright, I must keep pushing myself to write about things- especially things that’s going on in the world, as there’s some resistances to doing that, such as that I don’t know enough or ought to do more research, but that doesn’t preclude me from speaking from where I’m at from what I understand now. And, in fact, writing can help me to get further clarity and perspective on things as well. Really, it’s a win-win.


So I was having a chat with my dad about this situation in Libya with Gaddafi, and it was quite a cool chat because it helped me to get some clarity on the point. Because I can see that rioting/revolting is not going to be a real solution, from the perspective that is any of the people rioting ready to/have the skills/ability to run the country? Meaning, who’s going to step in after Gaddafi gets kicked out? Or, what’s to stop another dictator?


Often, these types of regime changes, have been planned, wherein there’s a ‘shadow government’ that’s been prepared before hand, ready to take over once the current gov’t is taken out. I don’t know if that is the case now, if not, then who knows what will happen, because it’s not pre-planned.


So I was saying this to my dad, that rioting is not the solution, and he was going into the point of like ‘but it was necessary/they had no alternative’, which was cool to have this come up because it gave me the opportunity to really look at this point, because I ‘knew’ that rioting wasn’t the solution, wasn’t a solution that would ‘work’, and that the ‘they had no choice point was obviously the main justification point for the rioting and really for any rioting, for that matter, that ‘there was no other choice’.


So we spoke for a moment about what the government is like there, like what stops the people from just no longer participating in or being a victim of whatever that dictator was ‘doing’ to them? Well, the dictator has staff that he pays to enforce his ways on the people. In fact, he’s had to hire out because his own military’s been ditching out, not wanting to turn on their own people, and I’ve heard that some of those who’ve refused have been executed.


So basically, there’s killing and torturing going on as Gaddafi tries to get control of the people. So there’s going to be more of this, until perhaps Gaddafi will leave, and then, who knows what/who will step in. What is certain, is that revolting is antagonizing Gaddafi to do whatever he can, which of course means people dying and suffering, and there is no real substantial plan for what to do if/once Gaddafi is ousted.

Then we realized, that this is exactly what would happen here, in the U.S., if we were to revolt the government would take measures to control, and it would go on and on until one gives way, and there’d be suffering and death and a big mess, and we’d be no closer to a better government.


I mean, look at egypt now, this headline from an article in The Telegraph explains the point quite well: “Egypt protests: fears that the army will install a ‘new Mubarak’ to keep its power and privilege”

Therefore, rioting is no solution- because the problem is not that no one is rioting, but that the government is not being done properly- therefore the solution is to have people develop the skills necessary and to do whatever it takes to get into positions of the government and become the government and change it from within, if possible. Until the people stand up to take the place of the government, as the government, then there will always be some ‘dictator’ in charge.


What’s fascinating to look at is the polarity point of ‘the government’ and ‘the people’ and how we have for so long only seen these two separate points, yet not really considered what it would mean if they were not separate.

Within all this, we must do whatever it takes, we must take self-response-ability, and see how we are able to respond to the situation we are in. Revolting is not solution- it only leads to death and suffering and then hoping a new nice leader is going to pop in. At this moment it’s all done through money- a government or those with political power- it’s achieved through money- therefore by implementing an Equal Money System, everyone will have equal power, and thus no one will be able to rule another. How cool is that.


Interest Groups – WTF? FAIL

Wow- Interest Groups. We actually have various groups of which the purpose is literally to represent the interest of some in spite of others. Rather than representing interests of All Equally. Groups are then basically competing amongst each other in this system for support for their own members in disregard and separation from all other groups.

We even have a ‘theory’ about this, as if a ‘theory’ ever had anything to do with actual reality rather than just being an ‘idea‘ which we try to view the world as- rather than seeing direct what is here, no ‘theories’ necessary- and the theory is called ‘Pluralism’ or ‘interest group theory’. My textbook describes this as: “a theory of politics that contends that power is group based and that because there are multiple points of access within American government, each group possesses an equality of opportunity when competing with other groups for power and resources.” It seems odd to define it in such way as to say ‘this theory contends that..’ I mean, is it contending? and with what/who? or just in general? lol.

Interestingly, this theory comes from James Madison who had “envisioned the United States as a society in which conflict, rather than consensus, would predominate.” Is this statement meaning that he predicted it? or that he thought it should be that way? Strange. Anyway, in a Federalist Paper he “warned that U.S. citizens would be subject to the development of factions.” Factions being groups of citizens united for “some common impulse or passion that might adversely affect the rights of other citizens or the interests of the larger community.”

Madison believed that the factions were based on economic differences, that those with property and those without had different interests. Those who are creditors and debtors, manufacturers, mercantiles, etc, all divided into different classes according to their different sentiments and views.

What’s fascinating about this is to see that these ‘sentiments’ and ‘interests’ and ‘views’ are all determined by the design of one’s placement in the system. According to what ‘profession’ you have or what your ‘wealth’ status, determines what your interests are, therefore you can see that these interests are not real interests that would exist no matter what, but are only ‘superficial‘ interests that only exist within certain specific placements. Yet to a vast extent, these interests are treated as if it is the real interests of the people themselves, in spite of this fact that the interest onlyexists due to their particular predesigned system placement, and that if you changed that placement- the interests change. Therefore, its a point to see/realize/understand that when you see these interests and see some group that is fighting for these interests or you are fighting for these interest, that these interest are not in fact real interests and only exist within the particular ‘made-up’ category or position that one is in within the system.

Therefore, when we are ‘contending’ with each other for these interests- we can consider and see that it is not necessary to fight for these interests- there is also the options of changing the placements themsselves such that the interests are no longer even relevant or exist.

What we need is real interest groups whose interest is the interest of All Equally, focusing on the real interests of all life here, that which is common no matter what placement you could have in this world, this existence anywhere. Such a group or groups there’d be no contention. Who is there to contend with a group which supports the interest of All? Only those who want to support interests that work for them in spite of everyone else. Which is how it is now, every group having to compete against each other for their personal interests, and therefore in this current system if you’re not fighting for your interests, someone else is ‘getting them’, lol, which is not funny at al when you consider that the interest groups must have money to fight for their interests, therefore the poor is obviously not able to amass groups to fight for their interests, they don’t have the money, the education, the time, they don’t have fucking anything. They are totally disregarded by this system, and it’s completely unacceptable. I wouldn’t want to be born in a position like that, totally stuck and hopeless. It has not always been easy even in the position I was born in, in the elite country of the U.S.

I mean, WTF? Almost NO ONE is happy in this system. Definitely time for a CHANGE. Equal Money System!

Someone just recently mentioned the name George Soros to me in a conversation we were having about politics. I’d heard the name but knew nothing about him. So she searched him on google on her ipad right there, and we went through some of the articles that came up, which she had read previously. What I noticed in these articles is that it was mostly full of opinions toward Soros, in a negative, obviously against Soros, stance, and there was little facts, so these articles were not assisting in telling me anything about this guy, except for the few parts it mentions things he’s done. Because that’s what really matters in this world- what is your actions? It doesn’t matter if someone ‘doesn’t like you’ or has a bent against you, it doesn’t tell you anything that matters, it doesn’t tell you what this being has actually lived or done.

For example, a comment like this: “What we have in Soros, is a multi-billionaire atheist, with skewed moral values, and a sociopaths lack of conscience. He considers himself to be an elitist world class philosopher, despises the American Way and just loves to do social engineering (change cultures).”
It actually tells you nothing about what this man has actually done, it’s just judgments attempting to engender a certain perspective toward something, and thus not effective to assist others in seeing what this person has really done specifically, but has the intent of just creating an opinion about it.

As I was preparing to write about this point, I tried to find the search results again on my own computer, to quote from it, but I was not getting the same results, so I went back to the ipad and checked what the search had been and it was not simply ‘george soros’ but ‘george soros evil’, lol, so I typed that in and now I got the same results.

So this explains why the articles had that particular bent against Soros. So what I was able to glean is that Soros apparently has a lot of influence in the political system, because he has lots of money, billions, which he uses/has used to play around with and manipulate governmental systems, by such things as like creating alternate governments to take over for when the existing government is overthrown and funding certain media organizations. So, I’ll definitely do some more researching on this point, study how this person has moved within and as the system. It is quite cool how I no longer will just follow opinions, but rather can distinguish between facts and opinions, and thus can see what is relevant and what is not, thus do research that’s much more effective, whereas in the past it was like it was hard to make ‘heads or tails’ of how I should ‘feel’ about something/someone, instead of realizing that ‘feeling’ a way about something is totally irrelevant and necessary, and so no wonder I was confused and couldn’t make sense of what I researched.

So make sure when you research, that you can see what is opinions and what is fact, so that you can see what is actually going on and not just getting ‘swayed’ by opinions/feelings, which is totally useless and doesn’t help to solve the problems we’re facing in this world, in fact, it’s what creates the problems, isn’t it.

It is quite fascinating to apply myself in this point of becoming involved in politics, actually taking the time to really thoroughly walk myself through the history of the governments we have created which we have now. And really, the point of studying in general, about things that is actually relevant to this world, like the economic system and education system- I am finding it is actually quite cool to study these things because doing so brings me to a point of understanding how, these systems that exist currently which we are creating, actually function- how it is we create them, how it is they exist, by getting down into the ‘nitty-gritty’ details, and really seeing all aspects of what we are doing, or at least much more aspects than before, and as I come to understand how it works more and more, I also gain the ability to become a creative/directive force within it. Whereas, when I did not know how it worked, it was like a mystery to me and thus I had no way to become involved in it, in the world systems, I had no clue as to even how to start and thus I assumed I simply ‘was not able’ to participate at all, and in fact, I wasn’t able, if only because I lacked the understanding of how the systems work, and thus how to be able to move within and as them.
It is exactly like if you want to play chess, you must understand what the different pieces are, and how they are able to move and how they are restricted, etc, and thus you can see how our systems are much like a game, where there is established rules that you must learn to play, if you want to ‘play the game’. Ha, I remember various experiences in my life where I was playing a game that I’d never played before with someone who was quite experienced, and they would use my lack of knowledge of the rules and strategies of the game to their advantage in order to win and would make no effort to even explain the basic rules of the game, and it was like ‘what is the fucking point?’ to even play this game, if you are not going to even have me stand on equal ground to compete as equals. Nevermind that the very point that we for entertainment and pleasure will actually engage in games where the point is to win at another’s expense- this just shows the extent to which we’ve been brainwashed to believe that ‘accomplishment’ or ‘reward’ must and only comes at the expense of another. Which is quite fucked up when you realize that it does not at all require some to lose in order to gain, in fact it’s exactly the opposite, when it’s set up so that in order to gain, you must rob others, it is like crippling a part of yourself, a part of your own body, as a part of the whole body that is all humans and this existence, and therefore you actually hurt yourself, YOU actually LOSE.
In realizing this, it is Obvious Common Sense, to not have our systems set up for only a few to gain at the cost of others. I mean, how fucked-up is it- that we don’t even realize this point, that it does not require some to ‘lose’ in order to gain, and that in fact, we are all losing by this set up. This is what the Equal Money System is about- having a system in which Life can actually be enjoyable no matter where you are in this world, you will be supported as the Life that you are- not exploited with no other choice if you want to actually survive in this world. It’s a system which will reflect the realization that what is actually best for each individual is that which is beneficial for every individual, thus, that which is best for self, or in self’s interest, is that which is best for All and Everyone. One and the same. One and equal. It’s such a simple point, and it’s time now to stand up and live this realization into actual fact, and stop the needless abuse and suffering going on in this world.