Tag Archive: capitalism

Somebody recently brought up the topic of Ludwig von Mises and the book he wrote titled “Human Action”. Since I was not familiar with this book, I set out to investigate. I easily found a pdf and began reading from the very beginning. Now, I didn’t even make it through the forward, and already have found an obvious point of dishonesty, which brings into question the validity of what’s to be presented within this book, as it shows the starting point is of deception. Here is the quote-

“The liberal champions of equality under the law were fully
aware of the fact that men are born unequal and that it is precisely
their inequality that generates social cooperation and civilization.”

What’s being said here is that inequality creates cooperation- the ignorance of this statement is appalling and could only come from a person who has never been on the losing side of inequality-and what do you know- he was born to a wealthy family.

In fact, inequality is the result of the lack of cooperation- it is the result of competition with one another- wherein we seek to gain at the expense of another.

When you look at what inequality means- that some live in lack of their basic needs which cause extreme physical suffering- to suggest that this is acceptable because it apparently ‘creates cooperation’ is quite a misconsideration and quite delusional- unfortunately this happens as a result of the fact that one tend to only understand what they have actually experienced and are not aware of what they have not experienced themself in their particular life- if you’ve never experienced what it’s like to not have access to your basic needs, only then is it possible to justify such an experience and accept and allow it to exist.

Obviously it can’t be said that ‘cooperation actually exist when inequality exist- if actual cooperation existed because cooperation implies that we’d be existing here in such a way that we’d all thrive and none would be allowed or made to suffer. That is the result of cooperation- so if ‘real’ cooperation was going on- no one would be allowed to suffer.

Any ‘cooperation’ that require inequality for it to happen is obviously not a desirable or effective ‘form of cooperation’ as it doesn’t lead to actual cooperation, if it still allow inequality to exist. As long as we accept a system in which we must compete against one another, real cooperation cannot exist- because the design of the system is actually to pit us against one another- it is the epitome of non-cooperation. You can see this manifested everywhere- look how businesses must compete against each other driving each other to have to make products as cheaply as possible, companies having ‘patents’ on things to ensure that they are the only one who can develop a product, and thus be the only one to profit from it, etc. How much farther in terms of technology could we be if businesses could work together? If all humanity worked together as one- what could we accomplish? The possibilities are daunting. The only way we’ll find out, is by ending inequality and giving everyone the equal support to life that only a few currently have- no one should suffer.

When we have a system that’s based on equality, real cooperation will actually be possible for once- we will no longer be individuals competing against one another for survival- or one country against another, all here on the same earth- sharing the same planet. This is what we stand for at Desteni- real cooperation. This is why we are busy working on and researching a new system which will be based on equality- so that we’ll actually be able to live here in a way where we can coexist and work together and combine our efforts- as many hands make light work.

See our Destonian Wiki on Wikipedia to find out more about Desteni and the Destonians and the equality-based Equal Money System

Ah- more discussion on the ever-ridiculous ‘Debt Ceiling’ fiasco- discussing how it is irrelevant- how value within our current system is not equality-based and how this lead to abuse and exploitation of ourselves- and what is the solution to this mess. Have a listen.


In this vlog I share some perspectives on the Debt Ceiling issue the U.S. is currently facing- what is really going on, what is the real consequence of our current Capitalist system, and what is the Solution- Equal Money- check it out at: http://equalmoney.org.

Everywhere you look, there is Glaring examples of how we have Completely, Utterly failed to understand what ‘Equality’ means.


Time to go back to kindergarten and re-learn basic math, because this is simple 1+1=2 kind of stuff, that we’ve completely missed. I mean, this is really one Big F-up.


For example, I heard this story on the radio today:


Colby Bohannan, a student at Texas State University, was having trouble finding a scholarship that he and his friends were eligible for, being white males. So, he created an organization called the “Former Majority Association for Equality” which offers grants Exclusively to Caucasian men.


Now, if you are giving/doing something that only applies to ‘Some’ and doesn’t apply to ‘Others’, that is not Equality. Equality is All-Inclusive, otherwise, it’s not Equal it’s that Simple.


This is but one example- there are MANY. And obviously there are, obviously we’ve not yet understood this point, of what Equality is, otherwise we’d be Living It. We would have Equality, and we do Not- We have total In-Equality, despite those that claim that they support Equality- because it’s never been about Actual Equality- that’s All-Inclusive– it’s been always self-interest, even if it wasn’t realized. We have so many groups which claim to stand for Equality, but they are in fact only supporting themselves- they try to ‘fight’ for ‘equality’ against those who are not treating them equally, which only makes their ‘opponents’ fight back even harder or disregard them even more.


There’s no need to have scholarships exclusively to any particular group, there’s no need to have scholarships at all in fact, only in this current capitalist system where not all can afford an education, and many can’t even afford their basic needs, do things like ‘scholarships’ even have relevance. In an Equal Money System, Education will be available to all equally– thus there will be no need for any interest groups protecting their own separate interests from one another. All will be Supported Unconditionally. That is Real Equality.


Investigate Equal Money.



This is a great documentary, shown in 5 parts on YouTube, Exposing what is Really Going On in this World- How So Many in the Current System have come to be Suffering and Starving.


How those who use the Market for their own interest just to get profit and justify their actions despite the dire consequences and outflows, is quite fucked up indeed.


This kind of abuse must Stop, I wouldn’t want this to happen to me, and neither would you. Time to Stand Up and Create a System which will actually support us, before this current capitalist system swallows us all.


Investigate Equal Money: equalmoney.org


In looking at the points of how, basically, the Democratic party supports Federal Government and the Republican Party supports State ‘Sovereignty’, what I see within this is that it’s like a fight over which has ‘power’, or where the ‘power’ is placed.


Now, what I see is that it should not be about ‘power’ at all, but rather a point of, as it’s supposed to be, simple administration. If it was not set up to be about who has the ‘power’ to be able to ‘manipulate’ the system to their benefit in separation from the rest, then nobody would give a fuck about whether we have ‘more federal gov’t’ or ‘more state government’ as it would not be relevant in terms of one or the other ‘getting’ having power’, thus we could decide how much to have of what, based on simple actual practicality, based on simply what is needed and what is effective.


When we have a system that’s based on Equality, this will be the case, as in an Equality system, No One has the Power because ALL have the Power, because All are considered Equally, and thus None is Left Out, thus No One loses, No One is abused for the sake of another to Gain from their Loss, as it is in the current Capitalist system.


“The economic anarchy of capitalist society as it exists today is, in my opinion, the real source of evil.‎ Private capital tends to become concentrated in few hands, partly because of competition among the capitalists, and partly because technological development and the increasing division of labor encourage the formation of larger units of production at the expense of the smaller ones. The result of these developments is an oligarchy of private capital the enormous power of which cannot be effectively checked even by a democratically organised political society. This is true since the members of legislative bodies are selected by political parties, largely financed or otherwise influenced by private capitalists who, for all practical purposes, separate the electorate from the legislature. The consequence is that the representatives of the people do not in fact sufficiently protect the interests of the underprivileged sections of the population. Moreover, under existing conditions, private capitalists inevitably control, directly or indirectly, the main sources of information (press, radio, education). It is thus extremely difficult, and indeed in most cases quite impossible, for the individual citizen to come to objective conclusions and to make intelligent use of his political rights. This crippling of individuals I consider the worst evil of capitalism. Our whole educational system suffers from this evil. An exaggerated competitive attitude is inculcated into the student, who is trained to worship acquisitive success as a preparation for his future career. I am convinced there is only one way to eliminate these grave evils, namely through the establishment of a socialist economy, accompanied by a educational system which would be oriented toward social goals. In such an economy, the means of production are owned by society itself and are utilised in a planned fashion. A planned economy, which adjusts production to the needs of the community, would distribute the work to be done among all those able to work and would guarantee a livelihood to every man, woman and child. The education of the individual, in addition to promoting his own innate abilities, would attempt to develop in him a sense of responsibility for his fellow-men in place of the glorification of power and success in our present society”.

~ Albert Einstein (1949)