Tag Archive: economy


In this vlog I share some perspectives on the Debt Ceiling issue the U.S. is currently facing- what is really going on, what is the real consequence of our current Capitalist system, and what is the Solution- Equal Money- check it out at: http://equalmoney.org.

Within this point of starting a business, and walking through the process, some interesting points have been coming up- which is exactly the reason I decided to do this business- to learn and to see through direct experience, just what points there is to consider within the current process of making/running a business, within the current Capitalistic system, and also to get perspective and see what points there are to consider within how a business can/will function within an Equal Money System, and also how to transition to an EMS.

One thing I had started to realize within looking at the point of ‘job creation’ and how that is extensively pushed by politicians, and usually the emphasis is on supporting people to create small businesses- as these are so-called ‘the back-bone of our economy’ and many other such phrases that seek to emphasize the importance of small businesses and making more of them. I wasn’t clear why this was so, because don’t big businesses hire more people? So why not support big businesses?

Well, what I realized is that supporting small businesses = supporting big businesses. Because who gives big businesses their business? Sure individual customers give some business, but have a look at how much business they get from small businesses. I mean, consider Home Depot for example, and the difference between their customers who is just an individual looking for a new nut for his sink drain or something, compared to a guy who has his own little deck-building business who is buying supplies on a regular basis, lumber, screws, etc.

Therefore, small business IS big business. There’s a theme going around to support small businesses rather than big business, and, hahaha, that’s actually not possible, is it, because where does the small business get their supplies? Yeah, big business. So if you are a consumer who likes to think you don’t support big business, because you only shop at ‘small businesses’, guess again, you can’t not support big business. Therefore, if you want to ‘stop’ big business- you can’t do it by just apparently ‘not buying there’. You have to realize that big business isn’t bad because it’s big- but rather because in our current system it’s designed so that corporations are valued more than life, and thus our corporations are not life-supporting corporations, they are profit-making, life-disregarding machines bent only on their own profit and self interest, no matter the cost to life.

Thus a new system is required, wherein the value of money is not separated from the value of life, wherein money has no value separate from life- so that our business, big or small, are actually supportive of life, and so that the businesses which actually support life can also be supported, unlike in this Capitalist system where the businesses which we depend on for the things we need, must all compete with one another, and only those that have gone the farthest to abuse and cut-corners are the ones left standing. Ridiculous- and with the result that many of us suffer.

Obviously, it’s Time for an Equal Money System.

I remember studying about the history of the U.S. government in high school, yet I just sort of, ‘took it all for granted’ in that I just accepted it as ‘the way things are’ and ‘the way they ought to be’. It’s quite fascinating to ‘revisit’ these points now, and considering everything from a starting point of equality. It’s cool now, to look at what we’ve done in the past and have a look at why/how it didn’t work, it’s great from a ‘here’s what not to do’ perspective.

So our government, the U.S. that is, was basically founded by some guys, some rich white guys to be more accurate, who sat down to make up some rules on how we shall live in this country. Fascinatingly, even though in the Declaration of Independence from Britain (lol, which I am just realizing, is not actually possible, you can’t actually be independent of anything in this world as we’re all here existing in the same system, our economies together making one economy) they wrote: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”- people were anything but treated or considered equally. We still had slavery, the out-in-the-open obvious kind (Now slavery has been upgraded so that the ‘plantation owners’, so to speak, don’t have to house and feed you, they give you money to deal with that yourself, and so that you will perceive yourself as not enslaved, hahaha).

So, obviously the main point, the main problem within the government that was created, is that it doesn’t consider the point of Equality. In fact, that’s the problem with all the governments at this point, that will have to be corrected. And that is going to take some time.

To continue on the topic of studying the Judicial system, what I’ve learned is how laws are enforced- basically its up to the courts, the judges, to decide how to apply the law to each case that comes before them. Lawyers go through past cases to find cases that support or seem to support the point they are arguing for, and that is how they ‘make their case’, they ‘plead their case’ and it’s up to the judge, or jury as the case may be, to finally determine how to apply the law in a particular situation.

So, those who blame the ‘government’ for the laws ‘they’ make, realize that the laws are somewhat general points, and it’s within the courts with the lawyers and judges where those laws are actually decided how they will apply.

It is quite fascinating to apply myself in this point of becoming involved in politics, actually taking the time to really thoroughly walk myself through the history of the governments we have created which we have now. And really, the point of studying in general, about things that is actually relevant to this world, like the economic system and education system- I am finding it is actually quite cool to study these things because doing so brings me to a point of understanding how, these systems that exist currently which we are creating, actually function- how it is we create them, how it is they exist, by getting down into the ‘nitty-gritty’ details, and really seeing all aspects of what we are doing, or at least much more aspects than before, and as I come to understand how it works more and more, I also gain the ability to become a creative/directive force within it. Whereas, when I did not know how it worked, it was like a mystery to me and thus I had no way to become involved in it, in the world systems, I had no clue as to even how to start and thus I assumed I simply ‘was not able’ to participate at all, and in fact, I wasn’t able, if only because I lacked the understanding of how the systems work, and thus how to be able to move within and as them.
It is exactly like if you want to play chess, you must understand what the different pieces are, and how they are able to move and how they are restricted, etc, and thus you can see how our systems are much like a game, where there is established rules that you must learn to play, if you want to ‘play the game’. Ha, I remember various experiences in my life where I was playing a game that I’d never played before with someone who was quite experienced, and they would use my lack of knowledge of the rules and strategies of the game to their advantage in order to win and would make no effort to even explain the basic rules of the game, and it was like ‘what is the fucking point?’ to even play this game, if you are not going to even have me stand on equal ground to compete as equals. Nevermind that the very point that we for entertainment and pleasure will actually engage in games where the point is to win at another’s expense- this just shows the extent to which we’ve been brainwashed to believe that ‘accomplishment’ or ‘reward’ must and only comes at the expense of another. Which is quite fucked up when you realize that it does not at all require some to lose in order to gain, in fact it’s exactly the opposite, when it’s set up so that in order to gain, you must rob others, it is like crippling a part of yourself, a part of your own body, as a part of the whole body that is all humans and this existence, and therefore you actually hurt yourself, YOU actually LOSE.
In realizing this, it is Obvious Common Sense, to not have our systems set up for only a few to gain at the cost of others. I mean, how fucked-up is it- that we don’t even realize this point, that it does not require some to ‘lose’ in order to gain, and that in fact, we are all losing by this set up. This is what the Equal Money System is about- having a system in which Life can actually be enjoyable no matter where you are in this world, you will be supported as the Life that you are- not exploited with no other choice if you want to actually survive in this world. It’s a system which will reflect the realization that what is actually best for each individual is that which is beneficial for every individual, thus, that which is best for self, or in self’s interest, is that which is best for All and Everyone. One and the same. One and equal. It’s such a simple point, and it’s time now to stand up and live this realization into actual fact, and stop the needless abuse and suffering going on in this world.