Tag Archive: poverty

Here are some questions that were asked by someone on Facebook about the Equal Money System, and my responses. Have a look to get some perspective on how the Equal Money System will work:

SBC: Someone help me understand… why ANY MONEY at all ??? why not a world of bartering, good, skills, knowledge… in effect ‘sharing’ all the above so everyone has what is needed. I have lots to share or trade, never any real money left at the end of the month and I have goods I don’t need but often no money for goods I do need… so why a money system? Why Money? I am not ‘afraid’ of Equal anything if it means sharing… I just don’t understand, why money…. How many of you live on less than $700 a month?… I’ll await your reply.

Bartering requires a capital of goods, so that does not help those in poverty at all. Not everyone has access to education to get skills because they don’t have money. Money is the tool through which we get access to our needs and education, etc. thus money will be given to all so all is guaranteed access. If you can live without money it means you are still living within a system that is supporting you, otherwise you’d die. Much of the world’s population is not supported and they already do not use money because they do not have money and so they are busy starving to death and suffering due to lack of education and healthcare. Since we’re accepting and allowing a system where you require money to get your needs, then we give all money so all have equal have access, and none can be excluded. Money is thus the perfect tool to utilize to ensure that all get equal support, and that each individual has the ability to support themself and not be dependent on another for their survival.

SBC: that is why you share… you teach and give any abundance to those who need. Everyone has a gift even if they haven’t been polished by education. It starts somewhere… desire to learn, desire to grow. Everyone should have an oppotunity to find their inner desire, their gift… One can help and have -0- money, enchouragement is valuable. One can share skills, knowledge… it is free. Many people wish to share their talent and skills at no cost because it brings them joy. Giving of themselves is reward enough. Money means measurement. If you must measure everything, who decides? By who’s measurement is value of money given? What is worth something of value to you may not be to another. People value differently. To live equally the value of services will not be the same to all. Do you understand what I am saying?

We’ve become so brainwashed to believe that poverty just exists and that’s how it must be, it’s just a part of life, so then we think in terms of ‘charity for those in need’, not considering how/why poverty is created in the first place, not even even realizing that it is created and is not a ‘natural’ or ‘inherent’ thing that must be that way. The current system actually creates the poverty and lack. It’s within this realization that it becomes obvious to have a new system that does not create lack in the first place. The Equal Money System is thus designed to support everyone by giving everyone the means to support themself, thus there will be no poor. Helping/charity still accepts the poor as poor- with the Equal Money System no one will made to be poor in the first place.

Education is not a polish, it’s what gives one the ability to function in an effective way in this reality, the deleterious effects of a lack of education is tremendous. We’re not talking about a lack of school only, but within the family as well, where the whole family has no education from generation to generation, where they lack almost any practical understanding of how this physical reality works. For example doctors practiced blood-letting in the past when we had less understanding of how the physical human body operate, and many were killed.

Skills and knowledge are not free- to have skills and knowledge means you have been supported with the basic necessities like food, water- without those you’d be dead- no learning possible. Then there’s also the materials required to learn skills- those aren’t free, most goods are provided by slave labor- as those producing those goods have no choice but to work in poor conditions for insufficient pay to have a dignified life.

This is the point here- that not everyone has access to these things that some of us do and because it’s always been here for us we take it for granted to the extent that one does not even realize all that has gone into one’s life to get to where you are now, all the food and the slaves who produced it, your clothes, the buildings you’ve lived, worked, learned in, the water you’ve drank, the products you’ve used, the cars you drive, etc- not considering what it means to have literally nothing in this world, to be born in a place where there is no system of life support and every day is a struggle to survive, and thousands die everyday. People in those situations don’t have the option to share anything- they don’t have anything.

To suggest that the solution is for those that have to share, is accepting the poverty to exist, and making their survival or wellbeing dependent on whether or not others share – is that how you’d like your quality of life, or whether you even survive or not, to be determined, where you have no choice, no option, no power or ability to change your life? When instead we can have a system that simply supports everyone in the first place, so no one’s survival or quality of life is unguaranteed, where you wonder from day to day how or if you’re going to survive and make it to the next moment. And what for? Just to be in a constant state of trying to survive? No one wants to live that way, so why are we allowing a system that forces beings into this type of existence?

Measurement is a cool practical tool for working within a physical reality.  We have already decided the value of money- we use money everyday according to the values that have been set by those we’ve elected into the system to make those decisions. Many of us are not part of the process but simply accept how it’s being done currently, and currently money is being valued in the way that is most effective for making profits, not for supporting life. This is what we change within an Equal Money System, where money becomes the tool that it’s supposed to be – to facilitate distribution of needs to where they’re needed. The ‘value’ will be determined by what does this most effectively. Thus, it’s really irrelevant what the ‘value’ is, as it goes according to what will support all life to be the best possible in all ways.

The value of services is the same to all- all need food, water, shelter, healthcare, etc. For items that aren’t needs but are cool to have like a computer for example, in a system where profit is not the goal and items are made to last, not made to become obsolete rapidly to maximize profits, we can have a computer for everyone, we can have a car for everyone, etc. If you don’t want a car, then you won’t have one. We have the capability and technology and resources to do this. We don’t have the resources to support our current economy that’s based on overproduction of inferior goods for profits. Thus all have access to what is ‘valued’ in the context of what is needed for survival, and that which makes life practical and fun. Thus the ‘value’ becomes life itself, because only life has value – life meaning real life where all are able to live and thrive in a way that’s best for all and none are left out, no longer enslaved to a system. Any other ‘value’ is not real, it’s a mental make-believe created to make profit.

We are all the ‘greedy bastards‘ as we’ve accepted and allowed the current system to exist and continue to exist, while it enslaves so many and causes so much suffering. Thus it’s each and every one of us that must change, to stop allowing this. Obviously those in power don’t do everything by themselves, it’s all of us together creating this world, thus we have to actually stand up and stand together to stop the hell that we’re creating and work toward creating a world where all are supported to live and thrive to fullest potential.

For more information on the Equal Money Money System – http://equalmoney.org


In a video I just recently listened to on YouTube put out by the so-called group ‘Anonymous’- a group which is taking on a ‘active civil disobedience’ stance toward the current system- a narrator is passionately saying “you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears, upon the wheels, upon the levers…” (of the machine that is the system) cause you’ve got to “make it stop”. Assuredly, this is going to rile some people up, they will get an energetic charge as they listen to this and the charge will build up within them and they will feel ‘driven’ to take some sort of action, whatever it is, whatever is being suggested and implied as the action that will effectively release that charge, which here is being suggested as ‘putting your body on the machine’ basically ‘stopping the machine’ is the goal- as if that is going to solve problems somehow, solve anything. But- If anonymous was a threat to the system, the system would simply take them out- anonymous is actually providing the perfect justification to impose further controls, therefore it is doing just what those in power would like and it is left alone to do its thing.

Now, you need the ‘machine’ to live currently, and even if you’re one of the extreme few who have found a way to apparently live ‘off the grid’, the vast majority of those dependent on the system has not and you are calling for their death and suffering, and the death and suffering of their families as well- because they require the system to live, and likely you and your family are existing off of the current system right now too. It’s how you get your food, water, electricity, house, car, clothes, computer, education, etc- and currently there exists no alternative- there is no effective alternate way in place and available to people so that they can let the current system go.

So, Anonymous is calling for action against the system that most utilize to survive without offering a solution that will deal with the fact that if the system stopped now, there will be extensive suffering. This is exactly the type of situation where, if you’ll look at history, if you’re familiar with U.S. history- this is exactly how action is justified to be taken against a rebelling faction- you have a faction that ‘rises up’ to try to rebel and to threaten the system but which most of the citizenship still is supported by to live, and thus you are threatening the survival and safety of the general public- and this is how action is justified to use whatever force is necessary to stop the rebel action, and laws are changed to further limit civil liberties and personal freedoms.

Thus the government has already been given the adequate justification required to take action against Anonymous, if Anonymous starts doing something they actually don’t like. But currently it is working out quite well for the powers, as it provides no actual solution to change the world- because obviously ‘peaceful resistance’ is not what’s needed to change the system, the world- what’s needed is direct action to create a new system which will actually support us that does not allow for abuse as we have accepted within the current capitalistic system.

The very design of ‘resistance’ and resistance movements is just that- a design- it is a pre-designed ‘role’ which is being role-played- which takes it’s ‘cue’ from history stories and movies and television shows, where you have resistance movements, and it’s always the same design, for example with the TV show “V” you had a underground resistance movement- so this design has already been scripted and as such, you are able to then calculate what the exact result or affect is going to come from this scenario, as it’s literally been played-out many many times, over and over, in history and in our stories.

So there is really no excuse to not be able to see what the possible playouts of this movement is going to be- and that its already failed before it even began- and is only going to lead to further control and further force and further limitations imposed- the exact goals it is supposedly working against. Does Anonymous realize this? Is this actually their intended goal? Because it will be the consequence of their actions whether they realize it or not. They have taken on a big responsibility by standing up and attempting to direct this action to stop the system but they are not doing it in a way that considers everyone, and thus it will fail.

I mean, this has been done before- we are repeating our failed history over and over again, each time leading to further enslavement- these kind of movements have always provided perfect justifications for imposing limitations and taking away freedoms on the basis that they threaten the well-being of the majority- those who get their support from the system- and they will support the system because it’s how they get their lively-hood, and they will thus defend the current system out of fear for themselves and for their families for if they lose their job or the system crashes how will they survive? And so they will actually protect the abusive current system for fear of having no other way to support themselves and their loved-ones. And the government will use that as reason to take action against the much smaller movement.

I mean this is just the same that happens with disease, with viruses- it enter the body and if the body’s immune system recognize it as an attacker, it take action and destroy it, so the viruses had to evolve and over time has developed ways to not be detected as an threat to the system so that it do not set off the immune system reaction and get obliterated.

So anything that supports separation, such as this Anonymous movement, will always play into the hands of the system- because as long as your solution doesn’t consider everyone equally- as long as someone is left out- it will not work- because the ones that’s left out won’t accept it obviously- and the current abusive system can continue. Those in power simply implement further controls in the name of ‘public safety’- if these movement becomes violent and riots, as these things tend to do as they get large and harder to control the actions of the individuals acting as the group- this could turn into the perfect excuse for ‘micro-chipping’ to be implemented- so Anonymous are the actual proponents of micro-chipping- as they are busy working on speeding us up toward that end- which shows they have not considered actual solutions.

Yes the abuses taking place in the current system need to be exposed- yet Anonymous is only exposing ‘governments’ and ‘corporations’ as the ‘criminals’, so the general population points their fingers at these other ‘separate’ organizations and blames them for the abuse, and thus they get to avoid considering their own responsibility- their own part they have played in accepting and allowing and supporting the current system- as if somehow they system could exist without their participation in it- and in this we are all responsible for the current system.

To separate from the ‘governments’ and ‘corporations’ and blame them, is exactly why we’re in the mess we’re in- because we haven’t taken responsibility for ourselves- it’s like getting mad at the government because THEY didnt stop YOU from being abusive.

This is why Anonymous is not a solution- because Anonymous supports separation- while the actual solution is standing up, taking self-responsibility, and coming together to create a system which includes and supports everyone- it’s the only way that actually has a chance to work- history has proved this- we have tried every other way and they have all been within the starting point of separation- equality is the one thing we haven’t tried, ever, and it is the obvious solution and those that sought to control have done everything they could for eons to keep us from realizing the one simple solution which is equality.

Anonymous is just a echo of the past, a repetition of a history that has never worked and only led to more abuse, more limitation, more fear, more enslavement- What is required is a new system which support everyone equally- the Equal Money System is being developed based on the principle of equality and considers everyone, leaves no one out- guarantees everyone support to live and thrive- not just a few like in the current capitalist system. The Equal Money System is an actual solution that will lead to real change, it will lead to the end of poverty, of war, of deaths by preventable causes, of unnecessary suffering- the Equal Money System is the obvious solution, if Anonymous actually cares for humanity, cares for life, cares for real change for the better of all and to end all abuse- they would be calling for an Equal Money System.

How many times do we need to repeat history? And walk through manifested consequences of extensive suffering, before we’ll finally realize that we must stand up and be the solution?

Anonymous will end up being just another movement that led to further control and enslavement, it’s a pattern we’ve been repeating over and over, and has been allowed to continue as it allows the abusive system to continue- so Anonymous will not bring the end of the system, it will not bring a solution- it only promotes resisting and what you resist, persists.

It’s time to stop these endless cycles and do something real for a change- not just follow and copy the designs that’s been laid out for us within the history stories and tv and movie stories that keeps things just the way they are so we can never break free- never expand into what we could really be, but just be forever trapped in cycles. Time to break the cycles, time to LIVE. Stand up for a real solution- a New System that supports All- Equal Money.

Ah- more discussion on the ever-ridiculous ‘Debt Ceiling’ fiasco- discussing how it is irrelevant- how value within our current system is not equality-based and how this lead to abuse and exploitation of ourselves- and what is the solution to this mess. Have a listen.


In this vlog I share some perspectives on the Debt Ceiling issue the U.S. is currently facing- what is really going on, what is the real consequence of our current Capitalist system, and what is the Solution- Equal Money- check it out at: http://equalmoney.org.

While learning about history in school, I just knew there was something missing- I mean- it’s kind of obvious- all sorts of atrocities are mentioned, but there is never really adequate explanation as to why or how these things came to take place.

The way history is taught now, it kind of leaves you with the impression that some people just like to be oppressed- in fact, that the VAST MAJORITY of people seem to prefer to exist with just barely getting enough to survive living and working in poor conditions.

A little common sense goes a long way here- to realize that if you were being oppressed or abused, you want to do whatever you could to stop it- and the times in your life where you have been oppressed or abused are when there was nothing you could do about it- like if 4 guys beat you up in a back alley- you had no choice but to be beaten- so how our history is currently taught- the guys that beat you up would then go and tell everyone that you actually wanted to be beat up and it was your responsibility to stop it. Yeah- you can see how ridiculous this is.

Which brings me to my point- which is that our history has been taught from a perspective of justifying the abuse and oppression of the majority of the population, when we all know in common sense that no one would actually want to live that way. Yet we have trusted the ‘professionals’, the professors, and the textbooks, the media- however, in this system in which only a very few have the power, because they have the money, the schools, the media, the information that is taught and presented to people is all controlled, and is deliberately manipulated and distorted in favor of protecting the current system and those who profit from it.

However, it is possible to find out what really happened, from the perspective of the people, and how things have really got to be how they are now- why so many are oppressed and suffering.  A book called “A People’s History of the United States” by Howard Zinn gives a really thorough and effective explanation of what actually happened in the history of the U.S., of the pivotal events that took place- I was totally shocked in the staggering difference between the actual perspectives that is shared in this book, it becomes abundantly obvious that what we are taught in schools is so obviously one-sided and on the side that favors those in power. I so highly recommend all to read this book- you will actually be interested to be learning about history.

Reading this book, I realized a major part of the reason why I hadn’t been interested to learn about history in the past, was that it never really made sense, because you could always tell, there was a lot left out that simply was not explained and thus not much made sense, and learning history was actually quite depressing- as it basically served to tell you what your place was, and that’s just the way things are, and if you have a problem with it it means you’re lazy.

You can get this book in audio format as well- but no matter which way you read it/hear it, I suggest that you do- so you can get some perspective on what really went on to get to where we are now- it will give you much more of a clearer perspective on what is going on today in this world even now- the very issues at hand today- labor unions, immigration, inequality, etc. And through this understanding, you empower yourself to be able to understand what is going on, and can begin to see what the solution is, which is for us to stand up and stop allowing this oppression to continue, that this is not the way things ‘just are’ or ‘must be’, but have been very deliberately made to be this way through the use of force- yet, we have quite a good opportunity to change this system now through the political process that’s been established, that’s currently utilized by those seeking to oppress the many to profit from their labor.

Therefore, I highly suggest to read this book “A People’s History of the United States”, so you can get a clear picture of our history and how the political system has ‘evolved’ and thus you’ll better understand how it can be utilized and changed. It is just like this with anything- you can’t really change the design of a car until you fully understand how the car works, what the parts are and what they do, etc.

“A People’s History of the United States” is a Must Read for anyone who is an activist and stands up for Equal Rights for All and a world without suffering.

Within this account of history it’s abundantly clear that we require a new system which is based on Equality for All- that that is the only real solution we have currently, to be able to stop the oppression and abuse taking place all over the world. So, in addition to reading this book, I suggest to investigate the Equal Money System as well- as it will be the key to finally putting an end to this abuse and exploitation that’s been going on for eons.