Tag Archive: united states

I posted this in response to some comments about a blog post from the blog Economist’s Journey to Life, which you can read here: Day 137: Greece: The Birth and Death of Democracy. And I do suggest to read it, as it’s a really great post taking a look at a documentary (which you’ll find linked there) exposing the effects of Privatization within the situation that is now taking place in European countries like Greece. My response is in regards to the point mentioned toward the end of the blog post, which mentions that there is a way out of the economic problems going on in the world, and it’s not so much a ‘way out’ as it is a ‘way in’ – as it’s to get into the Political system, and correct the system from within. This received some comments in response, where this blog post was posted on Reddit, in which the point of ‘the system is corrupt and thus you can’t use it or be a part of it without also being corrupted” is brought up as a reason/justification to not get involved in the political system. I decided to share my response here on my blog, to share these perspectives for consideration and to educate as to the current situation we’re facing, and the opportunity we have currently available to make change, and why it is that this change must currently come through becoming involved in the political system.

“Changing the system from without has been tested. If you study history of revolts you see none has made a real change for a better world as we still exist in worldwide wage-slavery, poverty, starvation, war exist, and more atrocities, more than ever. The system is too big to change from the outside, and people’s ‘livelihoods’ are directly attached to the system, and that’s why there is always plenty to defend the system against those that would stand against it, which is always a small percentage, as most are way too afraid and choose to stick with the relative comfort of the system. This is why militaries/armies exist, because people are desperate for financial security and so can be paid to kill each other. Thus why any revolt that stands out as a threat to the system-supporting public, is going to get ‘put down’. It’s just like how a human being immune system function, anything that ‘stands out’ as a threat to the bodily system, gets attacked and ‘immunized’. The system as it is has been placed in such a way that we could work within it to produce change, and that is why it was done this way, so it could be said that we had our opportunity, and thus we have chosen things the way they are. This is why politics has been played as something you want to have no part in, as that is exactly where change can happen, and does happen, through extensive lobbying, where the major industries use their collective wealth to pay for lobbyists to get laws made in their favor, and the employees of such interest group are happy with that as it supports/protects their method of income. So you can start to see if you haven’t already, just how ‘interconnected’ we are with the system, as it’s the system we currently live off of, and depend on for our survival, and thus why it will be and has been protected at all costs if it is openly attacked. Thus the only solution currently is to get into a position in the system where you can have an impact and change it from within or be squished like a little bug. Those in positions of power got there not by doing only what they wanted to or felt good about, but by doing what it took, thus we have to be equal in our determination to do what it takes, and not get stuck on how we’d like to do it, and thus never end up taking the actions necessary to make a difference. This non-violent option of utilizing the system to change it from within is the option that is here, and we don’t know how long this window will be open, where we have a chance to make a change, and without bloodshed and violence. It’s not likely we’ll get a better option than this.”

Within this, one can also get involved with the formulation of the policies that are being developed within the Equal Money System, which is the economic system being developed from the ground up on the principle of supporting and caring for all of life, leaving no one out. This is the future of politics, where politics will be decided and implemented by the people, which actually cares for the people and all of life here, as nature and the animals, as our survival depends on this earth and our environment, and our quality of life is directly linked to the quality of all life here.

Enhanced by Zemanta

Ah- more discussion on the ever-ridiculous ‘Debt Ceiling’ fiasco- discussing how it is irrelevant- how value within our current system is not equality-based and how this lead to abuse and exploitation of ourselves- and what is the solution to this mess. Have a listen.

Interest Groups – WTF? FAIL

Wow- Interest Groups. We actually have various groups of which the purpose is literally to represent the interest of some in spite of others. Rather than representing interests of All Equally. Groups are then basically competing amongst each other in this system for support for their own members in disregard and separation from all other groups.

We even have a ‘theory’ about this, as if a ‘theory’ ever had anything to do with actual reality rather than just being an ‘idea‘ which we try to view the world as- rather than seeing direct what is here, no ‘theories’ necessary- and the theory is called ‘Pluralism’ or ‘interest group theory’. My textbook describes this as: “a theory of politics that contends that power is group based and that because there are multiple points of access within American government, each group possesses an equality of opportunity when competing with other groups for power and resources.” It seems odd to define it in such way as to say ‘this theory contends that..’ I mean, is it contending? and with what/who? or just in general? lol.

Interestingly, this theory comes from James Madison who had “envisioned the United States as a society in which conflict, rather than consensus, would predominate.” Is this statement meaning that he predicted it? or that he thought it should be that way? Strange. Anyway, in a Federalist Paper he “warned that U.S. citizens would be subject to the development of factions.” Factions being groups of citizens united for “some common impulse or passion that might adversely affect the rights of other citizens or the interests of the larger community.”

Madison believed that the factions were based on economic differences, that those with property and those without had different interests. Those who are creditors and debtors, manufacturers, mercantiles, etc, all divided into different classes according to their different sentiments and views.

What’s fascinating about this is to see that these ‘sentiments’ and ‘interests’ and ‘views’ are all determined by the design of one’s placement in the system. According to what ‘profession’ you have or what your ‘wealth’ status, determines what your interests are, therefore you can see that these interests are not real interests that would exist no matter what, but are only ‘superficial‘ interests that only exist within certain specific placements. Yet to a vast extent, these interests are treated as if it is the real interests of the people themselves, in spite of this fact that the interest onlyexists due to their particular predesigned system placement, and that if you changed that placement- the interests change. Therefore, its a point to see/realize/understand that when you see these interests and see some group that is fighting for these interests or you are fighting for these interest, that these interest are not in fact real interests and only exist within the particular ‘made-up’ category or position that one is in within the system.

Therefore, when we are ‘contending’ with each other for these interests- we can consider and see that it is not necessary to fight for these interests- there is also the options of changing the placements themsselves such that the interests are no longer even relevant or exist.

What we need is real interest groups whose interest is the interest of All Equally, focusing on the real interests of all life here, that which is common no matter what placement you could have in this world, this existence anywhere. Such a group or groups there’d be no contention. Who is there to contend with a group which supports the interest of All? Only those who want to support interests that work for them in spite of everyone else. Which is how it is now, every group having to compete against each other for their personal interests, and therefore in this current system if you’re not fighting for your interests, someone else is ‘getting them’, lol, which is not funny at al when you consider that the interest groups must have money to fight for their interests, therefore the poor is obviously not able to amass groups to fight for their interests, they don’t have the money, the education, the time, they don’t have fucking anything. They are totally disregarded by this system, and it’s completely unacceptable. I wouldn’t want to be born in a position like that, totally stuck and hopeless. It has not always been easy even in the position I was born in, in the elite country of the U.S.

I mean, WTF? Almost NO ONE is happy in this system. Definitely time for a CHANGE. Equal Money System!