Category: Humanity

Rocks are a part of life, where would we be without rocks? Would we have solid ground to stand on? Are rocks not an important part of our ecosystem that supports us to exist here? Would it be stupid to not consider rocks as well as all life? Aren’t our physical forms dependent on a specific balance and constitution of nature, of which rocks are included?

Yet so many do not consider rocks a part of life, do not consider rocks as equally as valuable as anything else that is here that is supporting us to exist here. Humans are usually see as the most important life form on the entire planet – yet not considering everything that it takes to make it possible to even be a human being existing here. Is a life form which takes for granted the very things that it requires to exist, really that superior of a being?

Currently we’re taking just about every facet of this existence for granted, as one can plainly see from the way we’re treating this world and everything within it, including ourselves. We allow ourselves and everything in this world to be enslaved to a money system that seeks only to make profit and has no consideration for life, because we’re not considering life, and considering ourselves as life.

We’ve accepted ourselves as less than life. Because our lives seem so limited and insignificant, we’ve come to believe that’s all we are. And it’s within that belief that we’ve diminished ourselves.

The solution is here, and has always been here. It’s to stop taking ourselves for granted, stop giving in to justifications and excuses that this is all we are and ever can be. We’ve never even tried to really expand ourselves – we’ve given up before we’ve even started. We’ve become masters at the art of self sabotage.

We sabotage ourselves to the ultimate extent where we’re busy making this world uninhabitable by taking for granted the very things which we require to survive and thrive here. We’re contaminating our food and water and the total environment as a whole and utilizing the earth’s resources at a rate which cannot be sustained.

We’re causing our own destruction, but if you have a look, each and every human is busy trying to protect and ensure their own survival. As if the human can survive on its own. As an individual or as a whole – the human is totally dependent on what is here to survive. You can’t live without food, water, air, shelter – the basic things that nature provides – and if we abuse the process of nature to such an extent that it can no longer effectively operate to provide us with what is required to live, then we’ll die. So how ironic is that? That each and every human is geared toward their survival – yet we’re busy destroying that which we need to survive?

If we actually care that much about surviving, then we need to get busy considering what actually is keeping us alive here right now. Which is this planet and nature. Without these functioning properly and being utilized effectively, the human cannot exist. Thus the human is no better than the animals, nature, even rocks. Have a look around and see if there is any concrete nearby, there is probably some in your house somewhere, or a building nearby. What’s concrete made of? Crushed rocks. It’s used in many homes as an effective building material for humans to live in. The home I live in now is constructed mostly from concrete. And the very ground we walk on has rock as in its structure. It’s used within roads to transport goods and materials that we utilize. Some animals even require to eat small rocks to aid with their digestion, like chickens, and those animals play an important part in our food chain.

We all learn about in school the basic human needs of food, shelter, water, yet not how to care for them, what the current state of them is, how we’re currently utilizing them, whether we’re using the resources the earth provides in a way that is sustainable, and that reflects an understanding of the importance that nature plays in our very ability to exist here. We don’t learn to care for that which cares for us. And the result is that we don’t even realize or understand the part nature plays in our existence, or that it is being used in a way that our children may not have a world to live in, or even ourselves.

We need to get out of the survival complex within the current economic system, and consider what is actually necessary to survive, and realize that the way we’re currently existing is not leading to a life where all get what they need and where the environment is treated as equal to ourselves, since without it we wouldn’t and can’t exist. It’s leading to the very destruction of nature, and us with it. And it will not be pleasant or quick. There is an opportunity to stop and correct ourselves before it’s too late. And the first step is a new economic system that doesn’t force us into a survival game that keep s us too busy to consider anything other than our own momentary survival. For more on the new economic system in the works, check out the Equal Money System at

Here are some questions that were asked by someone on Facebook about the Equal Money System, and my responses. Have a look to get some perspective on how the Equal Money System will work:

SBC: Someone help me understand… why ANY MONEY at all ??? why not a world of bartering, good, skills, knowledge… in effect ‘sharing’ all the above so everyone has what is needed. I have lots to share or trade, never any real money left at the end of the month and I have goods I don’t need but often no money for goods I do need… so why a money system? Why Money? I am not ‘afraid’ of Equal anything if it means sharing… I just don’t understand, why money…. How many of you live on less than $700 a month?… I’ll await your reply.

Bartering requires a capital of goods, so that does not help those in poverty at all. Not everyone has access to education to get skills because they don’t have money. Money is the tool through which we get access to our needs and education, etc. thus money will be given to all so all is guaranteed access. If you can live without money it means you are still living within a system that is supporting you, otherwise you’d die. Much of the world’s population is not supported and they already do not use money because they do not have money and so they are busy starving to death and suffering due to lack of education and healthcare. Since we’re accepting and allowing a system where you require money to get your needs, then we give all money so all have equal have access, and none can be excluded. Money is thus the perfect tool to utilize to ensure that all get equal support, and that each individual has the ability to support themself and not be dependent on another for their survival.

SBC: that is why you share… you teach and give any abundance to those who need. Everyone has a gift even if they haven’t been polished by education. It starts somewhere… desire to learn, desire to grow. Everyone should have an oppotunity to find their inner desire, their gift… One can help and have -0- money, enchouragement is valuable. One can share skills, knowledge… it is free. Many people wish to share their talent and skills at no cost because it brings them joy. Giving of themselves is reward enough. Money means measurement. If you must measure everything, who decides? By who’s measurement is value of money given? What is worth something of value to you may not be to another. People value differently. To live equally the value of services will not be the same to all. Do you understand what I am saying?

We’ve become so brainwashed to believe that poverty just exists and that’s how it must be, it’s just a part of life, so then we think in terms of ‘charity for those in need’, not considering how/why poverty is created in the first place, not even even realizing that it is created and is not a ‘natural’ or ‘inherent’ thing that must be that way. The current system actually creates the poverty and lack. It’s within this realization that it becomes obvious to have a new system that does not create lack in the first place. The Equal Money System is thus designed to support everyone by giving everyone the means to support themself, thus there will be no poor. Helping/charity still accepts the poor as poor- with the Equal Money System no one will made to be poor in the first place.

Education is not a polish, it’s what gives one the ability to function in an effective way in this reality, the deleterious effects of a lack of education is tremendous. We’re not talking about a lack of school only, but within the family as well, where the whole family has no education from generation to generation, where they lack almost any practical understanding of how this physical reality works. For example doctors practiced blood-letting in the past when we had less understanding of how the physical human body operate, and many were killed.

Skills and knowledge are not free- to have skills and knowledge means you have been supported with the basic necessities like food, water- without those you’d be dead- no learning possible. Then there’s also the materials required to learn skills- those aren’t free, most goods are provided by slave labor- as those producing those goods have no choice but to work in poor conditions for insufficient pay to have a dignified life.

This is the point here- that not everyone has access to these things that some of us do and because it’s always been here for us we take it for granted to the extent that one does not even realize all that has gone into one’s life to get to where you are now, all the food and the slaves who produced it, your clothes, the buildings you’ve lived, worked, learned in, the water you’ve drank, the products you’ve used, the cars you drive, etc- not considering what it means to have literally nothing in this world, to be born in a place where there is no system of life support and every day is a struggle to survive, and thousands die everyday. People in those situations don’t have the option to share anything- they don’t have anything.

To suggest that the solution is for those that have to share, is accepting the poverty to exist, and making their survival or wellbeing dependent on whether or not others share – is that how you’d like your quality of life, or whether you even survive or not, to be determined, where you have no choice, no option, no power or ability to change your life? When instead we can have a system that simply supports everyone in the first place, so no one’s survival or quality of life is unguaranteed, where you wonder from day to day how or if you’re going to survive and make it to the next moment. And what for? Just to be in a constant state of trying to survive? No one wants to live that way, so why are we allowing a system that forces beings into this type of existence?

Measurement is a cool practical tool for working within a physical reality.  We have already decided the value of money- we use money everyday according to the values that have been set by those we’ve elected into the system to make those decisions. Many of us are not part of the process but simply accept how it’s being done currently, and currently money is being valued in the way that is most effective for making profits, not for supporting life. This is what we change within an Equal Money System, where money becomes the tool that it’s supposed to be – to facilitate distribution of needs to where they’re needed. The ‘value’ will be determined by what does this most effectively. Thus, it’s really irrelevant what the ‘value’ is, as it goes according to what will support all life to be the best possible in all ways.

The value of services is the same to all- all need food, water, shelter, healthcare, etc. For items that aren’t needs but are cool to have like a computer for example, in a system where profit is not the goal and items are made to last, not made to become obsolete rapidly to maximize profits, we can have a computer for everyone, we can have a car for everyone, etc. If you don’t want a car, then you won’t have one. We have the capability and technology and resources to do this. We don’t have the resources to support our current economy that’s based on overproduction of inferior goods for profits. Thus all have access to what is ‘valued’ in the context of what is needed for survival, and that which makes life practical and fun. Thus the ‘value’ becomes life itself, because only life has value – life meaning real life where all are able to live and thrive in a way that’s best for all and none are left out, no longer enslaved to a system. Any other ‘value’ is not real, it’s a mental make-believe created to make profit.

We are all the ‘greedy bastards‘ as we’ve accepted and allowed the current system to exist and continue to exist, while it enslaves so many and causes so much suffering. Thus it’s each and every one of us that must change, to stop allowing this. Obviously those in power don’t do everything by themselves, it’s all of us together creating this world, thus we have to actually stand up and stand together to stop the hell that we’re creating and work toward creating a world where all are supported to live and thrive to fullest potential.

For more information on the Equal Money Money System –

Security systems and the various methods we humans employ to keep our ‘belongings’ and such ‘safe’ from each other have become so accepted and taken for granted that we don’t even stop to consider just how strange it is that such things are actually required – due to the current manifestation of our reality as one in which we actually keep things from one another and have accepted and allowed a system in which not everyone has access to the things in life that one needs or that makes life an enjoyable experience.

Do we ever stop to consider – Why do we have locks on doors? Why do we lock our cars? Why don’t we leave things unattended out in public? Why do people steal things? Yet when we do ask ourself this – we’ll tell ourself that ‘that’s just the way it is’ – some people are ‘bad’ and they steal things. We say this in ignorance of how our system actually functions – and how we’re actually creating this existence in such a way that many don’t have access to what’s here, because they don’t have money. They weren’t born into a position of financial support where they had the money to participate the same as everyone else – and thus they are essentially disregarded. Because we’ve accepted money as the currency that one require to be able to have access to things in this world – even to simply get the most basic needs that a human being requires to survive in this reality.

Look at your life and at all the things you’ve had access to because you had the money and imagine going through your life without those things – how would your life be different? What would your life be like? Or what has your life been like because you didn’t have access to the things you needed or that would have improved your life? What if you didn’t have access to an education? Or a car?

I mean, it’s pretty obvious why people would be driven to ‘steal’ things. Because they want that which might make their life better – everyone wants that – and it makes sense because wouldn’t you want to live to the fullest of your potential here, no one actually wants to be left out and not have access to what’s here.  And when someone has the opportunity to improve their quality of living standard – they’re going to weigh the risk and the possible benefit and some will take the gamble and some won’t, and still some will be too desperate they will not practically have a choice. When it comes down to getting what you need to survive in this world, you going to do whatever it takes for your self and your family.

So by accepting and allowing a system in which not all have access we have effectively created and guaranteed there will be those who must steal from others simply to exist here. So it follows that if we create a new system in which all have equal access – meaning none has less access than another – then this would practically eliminate the majority of theft that takes place as a ‘normal’ part of the current economic system. This would then mean – no longer having to make certain you’ve locked your doors, no more having to install expensive security systems to deter people from stealing, no longer having to buy theft insurance policies even, as there will simply no longer be a threat that your things might be stolen. Since everyone will have equal access to what’s here and no one will anymore be left out and ‘left wanting’.

Thus, in an Equal Money System, we’ll actually be able to live with one another and start to trust each other for the first time – and effectively end the fear of loss of having something of ours stolen – because there is no urge to steal something if you can already get it without stealing it – without having to take the risk involved with trying to steal something from another.

That’s a pretty simple obvious point and yet for the most part we just lock our doors and never give it another thought, so it’s imperative that we now realize that we can create another system, one that actually makes sense, because it’s based on supporting us as humanity to live here in the best way possible – and all of humanity equally – not only just a few, but all-included, because it’s when some are left out and not considered that we manifest a world in which we can’t trust each other and are forced to go into competition with one another- rather than manifesting a world together which is the best it can be.

In the Equal Money System all are considered and we can finally reduce crime, the majority of which is theft related, and can get down to some real living and enjoying ourselves in the things that matter – life will no longer be a competition with one another but we’ll be free to express ourselves as humanity as one being that cooperate and exist in harmony and as the stewards of this earth.