Tag Archive: education

Here are some questions that were asked by someone on Facebook about the Equal Money System, and my responses. Have a look to get some perspective on how the Equal Money System will work:

SBC: Someone help me understand… why ANY MONEY at all ??? why not a world of bartering, good, skills, knowledge… in effect ‘sharing’ all the above so everyone has what is needed. I have lots to share or trade, never any real money left at the end of the month and I have goods I don’t need but often no money for goods I do need… so why a money system? Why Money? I am not ‘afraid’ of Equal anything if it means sharing… I just don’t understand, why money…. How many of you live on less than $700 a month?… I’ll await your reply.

Bartering requires a capital of goods, so that does not help those in poverty at all. Not everyone has access to education to get skills because they don’t have money. Money is the tool through which we get access to our needs and education, etc. thus money will be given to all so all is guaranteed access. If you can live without money it means you are still living within a system that is supporting you, otherwise you’d die. Much of the world’s population is not supported and they already do not use money because they do not have money and so they are busy starving to death and suffering due to lack of education and healthcare. Since we’re accepting and allowing a system where you require money to get your needs, then we give all money so all have equal have access, and none can be excluded. Money is thus the perfect tool to utilize to ensure that all get equal support, and that each individual has the ability to support themself and not be dependent on another for their survival.

SBC: that is why you share… you teach and give any abundance to those who need. Everyone has a gift even if they haven’t been polished by education. It starts somewhere… desire to learn, desire to grow. Everyone should have an oppotunity to find their inner desire, their gift… One can help and have -0- money, enchouragement is valuable. One can share skills, knowledge… it is free. Many people wish to share their talent and skills at no cost because it brings them joy. Giving of themselves is reward enough. Money means measurement. If you must measure everything, who decides? By who’s measurement is value of money given? What is worth something of value to you may not be to another. People value differently. To live equally the value of services will not be the same to all. Do you understand what I am saying?

We’ve become so brainwashed to believe that poverty just exists and that’s how it must be, it’s just a part of life, so then we think in terms of ‘charity for those in need’, not considering how/why poverty is created in the first place, not even even realizing that it is created and is not a ‘natural’ or ‘inherent’ thing that must be that way. The current system actually creates the poverty and lack. It’s within this realization that it becomes obvious to have a new system that does not create lack in the first place. The Equal Money System is thus designed to support everyone by giving everyone the means to support themself, thus there will be no poor. Helping/charity still accepts the poor as poor- with the Equal Money System no one will made to be poor in the first place.

Education is not a polish, it’s what gives one the ability to function in an effective way in this reality, the deleterious effects of a lack of education is tremendous. We’re not talking about a lack of school only, but within the family as well, where the whole family has no education from generation to generation, where they lack almost any practical understanding of how this physical reality works. For example doctors practiced blood-letting in the past when we had less understanding of how the physical human body operate, and many were killed.

Skills and knowledge are not free- to have skills and knowledge means you have been supported with the basic necessities like food, water- without those you’d be dead- no learning possible. Then there’s also the materials required to learn skills- those aren’t free, most goods are provided by slave labor- as those producing those goods have no choice but to work in poor conditions for insufficient pay to have a dignified life.

This is the point here- that not everyone has access to these things that some of us do and because it’s always been here for us we take it for granted to the extent that one does not even realize all that has gone into one’s life to get to where you are now, all the food and the slaves who produced it, your clothes, the buildings you’ve lived, worked, learned in, the water you’ve drank, the products you’ve used, the cars you drive, etc- not considering what it means to have literally nothing in this world, to be born in a place where there is no system of life support and every day is a struggle to survive, and thousands die everyday. People in those situations don’t have the option to share anything- they don’t have anything.

To suggest that the solution is for those that have to share, is accepting the poverty to exist, and making their survival or wellbeing dependent on whether or not others share – is that how you’d like your quality of life, or whether you even survive or not, to be determined, where you have no choice, no option, no power or ability to change your life? When instead we can have a system that simply supports everyone in the first place, so no one’s survival or quality of life is unguaranteed, where you wonder from day to day how or if you’re going to survive and make it to the next moment. And what for? Just to be in a constant state of trying to survive? No one wants to live that way, so why are we allowing a system that forces beings into this type of existence?

Measurement is a cool practical tool for working within a physical reality.  We have already decided the value of money- we use money everyday according to the values that have been set by those we’ve elected into the system to make those decisions. Many of us are not part of the process but simply accept how it’s being done currently, and currently money is being valued in the way that is most effective for making profits, not for supporting life. This is what we change within an Equal Money System, where money becomes the tool that it’s supposed to be – to facilitate distribution of needs to where they’re needed. The ‘value’ will be determined by what does this most effectively. Thus, it’s really irrelevant what the ‘value’ is, as it goes according to what will support all life to be the best possible in all ways.

The value of services is the same to all- all need food, water, shelter, healthcare, etc. For items that aren’t needs but are cool to have like a computer for example, in a system where profit is not the goal and items are made to last, not made to become obsolete rapidly to maximize profits, we can have a computer for everyone, we can have a car for everyone, etc. If you don’t want a car, then you won’t have one. We have the capability and technology and resources to do this. We don’t have the resources to support our current economy that’s based on overproduction of inferior goods for profits. Thus all have access to what is ‘valued’ in the context of what is needed for survival, and that which makes life practical and fun. Thus the ‘value’ becomes life itself, because only life has value – life meaning real life where all are able to live and thrive in a way that’s best for all and none are left out, no longer enslaved to a system. Any other ‘value’ is not real, it’s a mental make-believe created to make profit.

We are all the ‘greedy bastards‘ as we’ve accepted and allowed the current system to exist and continue to exist, while it enslaves so many and causes so much suffering. Thus it’s each and every one of us that must change, to stop allowing this. Obviously those in power don’t do everything by themselves, it’s all of us together creating this world, thus we have to actually stand up and stand together to stop the hell that we’re creating and work toward creating a world where all are supported to live and thrive to fullest potential.

For more information on the Equal Money Money System – http://equalmoney.org


In this vlog I share some perspectives on the Debt Ceiling issue the U.S. is currently facing- what is really going on, what is the real consequence of our current Capitalist system, and what is the Solution- Equal Money- check it out at: http://equalmoney.org.

Everywhere you look, there is Glaring examples of how we have Completely, Utterly failed to understand what ‘Equality’ means.


Time to go back to kindergarten and re-learn basic math, because this is simple 1+1=2 kind of stuff, that we’ve completely missed. I mean, this is really one Big F-up.


For example, I heard this story on the radio today:


Colby Bohannan, a student at Texas State University, was having trouble finding a scholarship that he and his friends were eligible for, being white males. So, he created an organization called the “Former Majority Association for Equality” which offers grants Exclusively to Caucasian men.


Now, if you are giving/doing something that only applies to ‘Some’ and doesn’t apply to ‘Others’, that is not Equality. Equality is All-Inclusive, otherwise, it’s not Equal it’s that Simple.


This is but one example- there are MANY. And obviously there are, obviously we’ve not yet understood this point, of what Equality is, otherwise we’d be Living It. We would have Equality, and we do Not- We have total In-Equality, despite those that claim that they support Equality- because it’s never been about Actual Equality- that’s All-Inclusive– it’s been always self-interest, even if it wasn’t realized. We have so many groups which claim to stand for Equality, but they are in fact only supporting themselves- they try to ‘fight’ for ‘equality’ against those who are not treating them equally, which only makes their ‘opponents’ fight back even harder or disregard them even more.


There’s no need to have scholarships exclusively to any particular group, there’s no need to have scholarships at all in fact, only in this current capitalist system where not all can afford an education, and many can’t even afford their basic needs, do things like ‘scholarships’ even have relevance. In an Equal Money System, Education will be available to all equally– thus there will be no need for any interest groups protecting their own separate interests from one another. All will be Supported Unconditionally. That is Real Equality.


Investigate Equal Money.


“The economic anarchy of capitalist society as it exists today is, in my opinion, the real source of evil.‎ Private capital tends to become concentrated in few hands, partly because of competition among the capitalists, and partly because technological development and the increasing division of labor encourage the formation of larger units of production at the expense of the smaller ones. The result of these developments is an oligarchy of private capital the enormous power of which cannot be effectively checked even by a democratically organised political society. This is true since the members of legislative bodies are selected by political parties, largely financed or otherwise influenced by private capitalists who, for all practical purposes, separate the electorate from the legislature. The consequence is that the representatives of the people do not in fact sufficiently protect the interests of the underprivileged sections of the population. Moreover, under existing conditions, private capitalists inevitably control, directly or indirectly, the main sources of information (press, radio, education). It is thus extremely difficult, and indeed in most cases quite impossible, for the individual citizen to come to objective conclusions and to make intelligent use of his political rights. This crippling of individuals I consider the worst evil of capitalism. Our whole educational system suffers from this evil. An exaggerated competitive attitude is inculcated into the student, who is trained to worship acquisitive success as a preparation for his future career. I am convinced there is only one way to eliminate these grave evils, namely through the establishment of a socialist economy, accompanied by a educational system which would be oriented toward social goals. In such an economy, the means of production are owned by society itself and are utilised in a planned fashion. A planned economy, which adjusts production to the needs of the community, would distribute the work to be done among all those able to work and would guarantee a livelihood to every man, woman and child. The education of the individual, in addition to promoting his own innate abilities, would attempt to develop in him a sense of responsibility for his fellow-men in place of the glorification of power and success in our present society”.

~ Albert Einstein (1949)

It is quite fascinating to apply myself in this point of becoming involved in politics, actually taking the time to really thoroughly walk myself through the history of the governments we have created which we have now. And really, the point of studying in general, about things that is actually relevant to this world, like the economic system and education system- I am finding it is actually quite cool to study these things because doing so brings me to a point of understanding how, these systems that exist currently which we are creating, actually function- how it is we create them, how it is they exist, by getting down into the ‘nitty-gritty’ details, and really seeing all aspects of what we are doing, or at least much more aspects than before, and as I come to understand how it works more and more, I also gain the ability to become a creative/directive force within it. Whereas, when I did not know how it worked, it was like a mystery to me and thus I had no way to become involved in it, in the world systems, I had no clue as to even how to start and thus I assumed I simply ‘was not able’ to participate at all, and in fact, I wasn’t able, if only because I lacked the understanding of how the systems work, and thus how to be able to move within and as them.
It is exactly like if you want to play chess, you must understand what the different pieces are, and how they are able to move and how they are restricted, etc, and thus you can see how our systems are much like a game, where there is established rules that you must learn to play, if you want to ‘play the game’. Ha, I remember various experiences in my life where I was playing a game that I’d never played before with someone who was quite experienced, and they would use my lack of knowledge of the rules and strategies of the game to their advantage in order to win and would make no effort to even explain the basic rules of the game, and it was like ‘what is the fucking point?’ to even play this game, if you are not going to even have me stand on equal ground to compete as equals. Nevermind that the very point that we for entertainment and pleasure will actually engage in games where the point is to win at another’s expense- this just shows the extent to which we’ve been brainwashed to believe that ‘accomplishment’ or ‘reward’ must and only comes at the expense of another. Which is quite fucked up when you realize that it does not at all require some to lose in order to gain, in fact it’s exactly the opposite, when it’s set up so that in order to gain, you must rob others, it is like crippling a part of yourself, a part of your own body, as a part of the whole body that is all humans and this existence, and therefore you actually hurt yourself, YOU actually LOSE.
In realizing this, it is Obvious Common Sense, to not have our systems set up for only a few to gain at the cost of others. I mean, how fucked-up is it- that we don’t even realize this point, that it does not require some to ‘lose’ in order to gain, and that in fact, we are all losing by this set up. This is what the Equal Money System is about- having a system in which Life can actually be enjoyable no matter where you are in this world, you will be supported as the Life that you are- not exploited with no other choice if you want to actually survive in this world. It’s a system which will reflect the realization that what is actually best for each individual is that which is beneficial for every individual, thus, that which is best for self, or in self’s interest, is that which is best for All and Everyone. One and the same. One and equal. It’s such a simple point, and it’s time now to stand up and live this realization into actual fact, and stop the needless abuse and suffering going on in this world.

Competition and Fighting is actually fundamentally ingrained in our governmental system. No wonder things are so fucked up.