Archive for November, 2011

Money isn’t everything? Yes and no. In this current system- money is everything- without money, you literally have nothing, not even the ability to live and breathe here, as your physical body requires support and without money, you have no access to that support, and you die. But life shouldn’t be all about money, which it is because not all are guaranteed enough money to have access to their needs, and for the majority of humanity, most of one’s time is spent doing whatever one can to get the money that is needed. Life has become ‘all about the money’ and not about actually living.

Many people will use this phrase however, as an excuse to not change the current system and to attack the Equal Money System, which uses money, saying “Money isn’t everything.” But obviously they’ve missed the point that money has become everything, as explained above. They also haven’t understood that ‘money’ in the Equal Money System, will not be the same as what money is today, as it will be simply a tool for facilitating the movement of resources to where it’s needed, and not have any intrinsic value in itself. Thus money will no longer be a thing that can be abused for the sake of profits at the expense of others. Since everyone will have the necessary money they require to acquire their needs, people’s lives will no longer be consumed by the need to find ways to acquire money- thus the Equal Money System will effectively make it so that money isn’t everything. Because obviously, that’s not all life should be about. Life should be about living to our fullest potential without allowing abuse in any way.

In order for us to be able to live as though ‘money isn’t everything’- we have to change how we value money so that indeed, it isn’t everything. In the Equal Money System money will become the tool which it was always ‘meant’ to be, but allowed to be abused at our expense, at the expense of life. Until we change our system to one of life support rather than one controlled by profit and greed, we’ll continue to be ruled by money and the pursuit of it and never really be able to live and be what we could be- the real custodians of the earth, our home, and give ourselves a life in which we’re free to live in the way that all life benefits equally.

Clairvoyants and psychics exist mostly today as jobs, in which a person is trying to make money in order to survive. So they learn and train themselves in how to act as a clairvoyant or psychic, and then perform this act in order to get paid. Just like most of us in this current system- we had to learn to do something that we could possibly get paid for. Thus, in the Equal Money System, jobs that were being done just for the sake of trying to earn some money from someone by putting on an act, or by making them think you can apparently do something for them like supposedly tell them their future, we’ll no longer be driven to do just to try to survive, because our survival will be guaranteed within the Equal Money System.

Most of the reason people go to psychics and pay them to ‘tell their fortune‘, is because they want to know what the future holds for them- why? Because their future is not guaranteed. You’re not guaranteed security, so it’s a mystery what’ll happen to you- and either you’re going to succeed, or you’re going to fail. And people want to know, and so pay money to others whom they believe can tell them. Since in an Equal Money System your future is guaranteed for your whole life until you die, there is no mystery of how well you’ll be doing- as you’ll already know you’ll be doing the best as can be. You’ll have all you need and access to everything necessary to have the best life possible, thus there’ll be no worry, no fear, no concern of what one might or might not suffer in the future, like there is now. Where if you have an accident that leaves you severely injured, you have no guarantee you’ll get the medical attention you require, or whether you’re business that you’re in debt for is going to succeed or be a failure. None of that will be relevant as your survival and well being and access to your needs will be secure.

Thus those with jobs as clairvoyants or psychics won’t be able to get work anymore as clairvoyants and psychics, and they won’t need to. They can spend their time how they’d like and not having to put on an act to try and make some money to survive. People then will come to realize that psychics and clairvoyants aren’t real or magical or have any powers or extra abilities in any sense, as psychics and clairvoyants will no longer to perpetuate that myth for the sake of their job security. Psychics and clairvoyants have simply developed their ability to read patterns, something that anyone could develop if they chose. Thus, in an Equal Money System, clairvoyants and psychics will cease to exist, as they’ll simply no longer be relevant in any way, and no one will want to deceive others if they don’t have to, and if there’s nothing to gain from it, since they already have everything anyway.

In the Equal Money System, ‘money’ is going to be digital for several reasons. One reason being that digital money is will have very little impact on the environment, compared to paper and metal money which require much resources and labor to create. For digital money, much is already in place. as many already utilize digital money on a regular basis- in the form of bank cards for example.

We’ll just need to make sure that all people everywhere have access, and once the equipment is in place, that’s all that require to be done- whereas paper and metal money
require to be repeatedly created as they deteriorate or get lost. The equipment needed for a digital money system can be created to last much longer than the physical forms of money. Thus digital money will be much easier on the environment and require less human labor.

Another reason we’ll have digital money is that it is much easier to ensure there is no abuse- it’s much more difficult to steal, because it’s traceable- when a bank card or credit card gets stolen, for example, you can report it stolen and whoever has stolen it will not be able to use it. You’ll be able to get a replacement and suffer no interruption. Whereas, with paper/metal money, there is very little, if anything, you can do if it gets stolen- it can’t be traced and you can’t stop another from using it. Thus a digital money makes sense in order to prevent abuse, and ensure one’s access to their needs always.

Since money in an Equal Money System is only for the allocation of needs, and you are always given enough as needed, there is no need to save it. In fact, saving it would be a problem- as the purpose of it is to exist only for the moment that it’s required to facilitate a ‘purchase’ of one’s needs. Within the current money system, money exists as a commodity in and of itself, which means it’s a thing which can be horded and bought and sold in order to take advantage of inequalities of value in the system to make a profit- but where value is taken from, value is lost- thus this is an abuse as it creates lack where the value has been taken from- thus this way of ‘transference of value’ so to speak, will not be allowed, and a digital money will make sense, to ensure there is no hoarding.

It literally wouldn’t make sense to hoard it anyway, as you always have enough for what you need, and it’s only used for your needs. Thus you’d only be able to get more of your needs, but you can only utilize so much of that, so it wouldn’t make sense to have any excess. You’re not going to be able to sell it to anyone to try to make a profit, because everyone will already have enough to purchase their needs themself, at the same rate as everyone else. Thus, there’s no desire to have a physical currency, as there’s no desire to save it or have something to physically ‘hold onto’.

The whole point of the Equal Money System is to have your life guaranteed at all times for your whole life, for everyone. Thus the need to save money literally becomes extinct.

Having a digital money is also more convenient to carry around or keep track of, as it’s always only one item you need to have, just like a bank card, rather than a wad of cash, or pocket full of change.

Part of the reason some prefer cash these days, is because they like the anonymity- but there is no need for anonymity unless you are wanting to do something abusive and get away with it. This will come to an end in Equal Money, because digital money is traceable, and actually the data can be used as feedback to utilize in working out system logistics- much like it’s used today, except it won’t be used from a starting point of making the most profits possible, in disregard to life. I mean, those that fear that such information will be used to abuse, must realize that that is what happens in the current profit based system already- and the Equal Money System will effectively end that- as we will have oversight in everything we do in order to make sure no abuse is allowed to occur.

For more about Equal Money- visit