Tag Archive: equal money system

Money isn’t everything? Yes and no. In this current system- money is everything- without money, you literally have nothing, not even the ability to live and breathe here, as your physical body requires support and without money, you have no access to that support, and you die. But life shouldn’t be all about money, which it is because not all are guaranteed enough money to have access to their needs, and for the majority of humanity, most of one’s time is spent doing whatever one can to get the money that is needed. Life has become ‘all about the money’ and not about actually living.

Many people will use this phrase however, as an excuse to not change the current system and to attack the Equal Money System, which uses money, saying “Money isn’t everything.” But obviously they’ve missed the point that money has become everything, as explained above. They also haven’t understood that ‘money’ in the Equal Money System, will not be the same as what money is today, as it will be simply a tool for facilitating the movement of resources to where it’s needed, and not have any intrinsic value in itself. Thus money will no longer be a thing that can be abused for the sake of profits at the expense of others. Since everyone will have the necessary money they require to acquire their needs, people’s lives will no longer be consumed by the need to find ways to acquire money- thus the Equal Money System will effectively make it so that money isn’t everything. Because obviously, that’s not all life should be about. Life should be about living to our fullest potential without allowing abuse in any way.

In order for us to be able to live as though ‘money isn’t everything’- we have to change how we value money so that indeed, it isn’t everything. In the Equal Money System money will become the tool which it was always ‘meant’ to be, but allowed to be abused at our expense, at the expense of life. Until we change our system to one of life support rather than one controlled by profit and greed, we’ll continue to be ruled by money and the pursuit of it and never really be able to live and be what we could be- the real custodians of the earth, our home, and give ourselves a life in which we’re free to live in the way that all life benefits equally.

In the Equal Money System, ‘money’ is going to be digital for several reasons. One reason being that digital money is will have very little impact on the environment, compared to paper and metal money which require much resources and labor to create. For digital money, much is already in place. as many already utilize digital money on a regular basis- in the form of bank cards for example.

We’ll just need to make sure that all people everywhere have access, and once the equipment is in place, that’s all that require to be done- whereas paper and metal money
require to be repeatedly created as they deteriorate or get lost. The equipment needed for a digital money system can be created to last much longer than the physical forms of money. Thus digital money will be much easier on the environment and require less human labor.

Another reason we’ll have digital money is that it is much easier to ensure there is no abuse- it’s much more difficult to steal, because it’s traceable- when a bank card or credit card gets stolen, for example, you can report it stolen and whoever has stolen it will not be able to use it. You’ll be able to get a replacement and suffer no interruption. Whereas, with paper/metal money, there is very little, if anything, you can do if it gets stolen- it can’t be traced and you can’t stop another from using it. Thus a digital money makes sense in order to prevent abuse, and ensure one’s access to their needs always.

Since money in an Equal Money System is only for the allocation of needs, and you are always given enough as needed, there is no need to save it. In fact, saving it would be a problem- as the purpose of it is to exist only for the moment that it’s required to facilitate a ‘purchase’ of one’s needs. Within the current money system, money exists as a commodity in and of itself, which means it’s a thing which can be horded and bought and sold in order to take advantage of inequalities of value in the system to make a profit- but where value is taken from, value is lost- thus this is an abuse as it creates lack where the value has been taken from- thus this way of ‘transference of value’ so to speak, will not be allowed, and a digital money will make sense, to ensure there is no hoarding.

It literally wouldn’t make sense to hoard it anyway, as you always have enough for what you need, and it’s only used for your needs. Thus you’d only be able to get more of your needs, but you can only utilize so much of that, so it wouldn’t make sense to have any excess. You’re not going to be able to sell it to anyone to try to make a profit, because everyone will already have enough to purchase their needs themself, at the same rate as everyone else. Thus, there’s no desire to have a physical currency, as there’s no desire to save it or have something to physically ‘hold onto’.

The whole point of the Equal Money System is to have your life guaranteed at all times for your whole life, for everyone. Thus the need to save money literally becomes extinct.

Having a digital money is also more convenient to carry around or keep track of, as it’s always only one item you need to have, just like a bank card, rather than a wad of cash, or pocket full of change.

Part of the reason some prefer cash these days, is because they like the anonymity- but there is no need for anonymity unless you are wanting to do something abusive and get away with it. This will come to an end in Equal Money, because digital money is traceable, and actually the data can be used as feedback to utilize in working out system logistics- much like it’s used today, except it won’t be used from a starting point of making the most profits possible, in disregard to life. I mean, those that fear that such information will be used to abuse, must realize that that is what happens in the current profit based system already- and the Equal Money System will effectively end that- as we will have oversight in everything we do in order to make sure no abuse is allowed to occur.

For more about Equal Money- visit http://equalmoney.org

In the Equal Money System, research will be done from the starting point of actually being supportive to life. In the current profit-driven system, all research is conducted for the sake of making profits- if the research may not yield monetary profits, it is simply not done. In this current system, money is required to fund the research, therefore, no research is done in the benefit of the majority of people who have no money, as you cannot make a profit form them and they do not have any money to fund the research themselves.

Thus only corporations have become the ones that have enough money to fund research, and they fund research which is in the interest of the company/business- without consideration of life and only in consideration of making profits- as that is how a corporation has legally been designed to function- being required by law to act in the interest of it’s shareholders.

This is how we end up with research that for example in the medical industry, is not geared toward supporting the human in ending diseases, illnesses, and dependencies, but rather finding ways to ‘treat’ the diseases and such, because treatment over time makes profits.

This is but the tip of the iceberg, in terms of how our current system corrupts all research- such that despite our apparently advanced science and technology, so many suffer from perfectly treatable and preventable causes.

This will not happen in an Equal Money System, since there will be no profit- research will simply be done, by those who truly would like to do it, who have actual interest in a field and would like to actually contribute to the betterment of all life. The vast majority of research that’s done today, which is mostly research into pharmaceuticals or various marketing research, etc, no longer will be done- and we will be able to do actual research into this physical reality and how it works, which is quite vast, and we still have barely scratched the suface of understanding.

In the Equal Money System the real fun will begin and we’ll be able to do research that all life will benefit from- and science and technology can finally fulfill the promise it’s always given- to lead to better quality of living for all.

Visit http://equalmoney.org to find out more about the Equal Money System and keep up with the latest developments of the new system that will support a better world.

How will land be distributed if not by ownership? How will it be decided which house a person gets?

In an equal Money System- it’s about self responsibility- meaning that which you take on as ‘yours’ you take on as your responsibility and you thus have the responsibility to care for such thing in a way that’s best for all and cause no harm to another. So, rather than owning something, you’ll be responsible for it.

In an Equal Money System you won’t be able to buy slaves to do your ‘dirty work’ for you- such as to clean your house or work your land for you- thus whatever land or house you have you would be responsible for the upkeep and how it is utilized.

So from this perspective, individuals are going to eventually choose houses that they are actually able to effectively take care of, depending on how much effort they’re willing to put into it. In cases where a house or land is not being properly taken care of making sure to keep it sanitary and not a hazard to others, then there must be intervention to not allow the abuse to continue.

And land will not be able to be abused as it is now, where those with money to can simply purchase the land and purchase the ‘rights’ to use it as they see fit in order to make a profit without regard of the effects of the use of that land on all life, on the wildlife and people living on or near that land, as is done so currently– like you have now where whole landscapes are altered completely disrupting the natural habitats of the local wildlife, which can alter our ecosystem in ways that cause extensive harm to life.

Land is not here to be bought and sold to make a profit off of it- it’s here as a gift which can provide enough for all to thrive when it is not being abused for profits, and should not be allowed to be used in such a way that it cause harm and disregard life, as this is a major factor in where we find ourselves now, in the current state of the world, where busineses and corporations are literally running-amok with the earths resources, causing untold harm and suffering throughout existence.

In the Equal Money System we’ll thus utilize land and housing as responsible custodians according to what we’d actually like and are able to take responsibility for – this will eventually bring the end to the abuse of nature, and we’ll have much less problems and issues arising from the displacement of species from their habitats and the altering of the land or bodies of water on it, and such things will only be done if it’s of benefit to all- as we’ll actually be free to do that which is supportive, and no longer be able to be forced and enslaved into doing things that cause abuse and bring harm to life.

For more perspective on this point, check out this video: How will land be distributed or how will it be decided who gets what house? – Equal Money FAQ

To find out more about the Equal Money System visit http://equalmoney.org

The meat industry will no longer exist as it does today, where much of the industry involving breeding and slaughtering animals for human consumption exist merely for the sake of profit. In the current Capitalist system, there is no regard for animal life and animals are seen and treated as lesser beings that are here simply for us to utilize without regard or consideration of these beings and their place within the ecosystem here on earth- the ecosystem which support us to exist, and where the quality of our life will be equal to the quality of the ecosystem in which we live- thus as we degrade the ecosystem, we degrade ourselves as well.

The consequences of meat production on vast industrial scales is various diseases, viruses, and chemicals being within the meats that are then consumed by humans, causing all sorts of health issues, which then lead to further profits for the medical industries which treat diseases and such. The consequence of this being massive suffering which is completely unnecessary, of both human and animal.

Large scale ‘factory farms’ also produce a lot of waste run-off that pollutes the surrounding environment in various ways, such as toxic gases that are released by decomposing manure, or by animal waste contaminating the water supply. The antibiotics that the animals are often injected with to keep down disease due to living in overcrowded unsanitary spaces also enter into the environment causing many deleterious effects.


Eventually it may be possible we can to get to a point where animals are no longer killed to be consumed, but rather can be consumed once they have naturally come to the end of their life. Or a suitable replacement can be found/developed which could provide what the human requires rather than using animals. So that animals will be given the basic right of being able to exist and prosper, like we would want for ourselves.


These possiblities and more can only be explored in an Equal Money System where the system is based on doing what’s best for all life. The profit-driven nature of the current system means that research is only done when a profit can be made from it. It’s through and within this current system that these abuses are actually allowed to take place, since the meat industries can afford to pay lobbyists to get support for legislation that support the business of meat production, at the expense of alll life; human, animal or otherwise.

The Equal Money System will be the key to finally being able, as a species, to do what is actually best for life. Then we will be free to walk a process of transformation from dis-ease to well-being, giving ourselves the chance to really thrive here; to stop the survival game and be able to enjoy life here, fully, in all forms.


“Pollution from Giant Livestock Farms Threatens Public Health Waste lagoons and manure sprayfields — two widespread and environmentally hazardous technologies — are poorly regulated. .” Natural Resources Defense Council. Natural Resources Defense Council, 7/15/05. Web. 23 Oct 2011. http://www.nrdc.org/water/pollution/nspills.asp.


In a video I just recently listened to on YouTube put out by the so-called group ‘Anonymous’- a group which is taking on a ‘active civil disobedience’ stance toward the current system- a narrator is passionately saying “you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears, upon the wheels, upon the levers…” (of the machine that is the system) cause you’ve got to “make it stop”. Assuredly, this is going to rile some people up, they will get an energetic charge as they listen to this and the charge will build up within them and they will feel ‘driven’ to take some sort of action, whatever it is, whatever is being suggested and implied as the action that will effectively release that charge, which here is being suggested as ‘putting your body on the machine’ basically ‘stopping the machine’ is the goal- as if that is going to solve problems somehow, solve anything. But- If anonymous was a threat to the system, the system would simply take them out- anonymous is actually providing the perfect justification to impose further controls, therefore it is doing just what those in power would like and it is left alone to do its thing.

Now, you need the ‘machine’ to live currently, and even if you’re one of the extreme few who have found a way to apparently live ‘off the grid’, the vast majority of those dependent on the system has not and you are calling for their death and suffering, and the death and suffering of their families as well- because they require the system to live, and likely you and your family are existing off of the current system right now too. It’s how you get your food, water, electricity, house, car, clothes, computer, education, etc- and currently there exists no alternative- there is no effective alternate way in place and available to people so that they can let the current system go.

So, Anonymous is calling for action against the system that most utilize to survive without offering a solution that will deal with the fact that if the system stopped now, there will be extensive suffering. This is exactly the type of situation where, if you’ll look at history, if you’re familiar with U.S. history- this is exactly how action is justified to be taken against a rebelling faction- you have a faction that ‘rises up’ to try to rebel and to threaten the system but which most of the citizenship still is supported by to live, and thus you are threatening the survival and safety of the general public- and this is how action is justified to use whatever force is necessary to stop the rebel action, and laws are changed to further limit civil liberties and personal freedoms.

Thus the government has already been given the adequate justification required to take action against Anonymous, if Anonymous starts doing something they actually don’t like. But currently it is working out quite well for the powers, as it provides no actual solution to change the world- because obviously ‘peaceful resistance’ is not what’s needed to change the system, the world- what’s needed is direct action to create a new system which will actually support us that does not allow for abuse as we have accepted within the current capitalistic system.

The very design of ‘resistance’ and resistance movements is just that- a design- it is a pre-designed ‘role’ which is being role-played- which takes it’s ‘cue’ from history stories and movies and television shows, where you have resistance movements, and it’s always the same design, for example with the TV show “V” you had a underground resistance movement- so this design has already been scripted and as such, you are able to then calculate what the exact result or affect is going to come from this scenario, as it’s literally been played-out many many times, over and over, in history and in our stories.

So there is really no excuse to not be able to see what the possible playouts of this movement is going to be- and that its already failed before it even began- and is only going to lead to further control and further force and further limitations imposed- the exact goals it is supposedly working against. Does Anonymous realize this? Is this actually their intended goal? Because it will be the consequence of their actions whether they realize it or not. They have taken on a big responsibility by standing up and attempting to direct this action to stop the system but they are not doing it in a way that considers everyone, and thus it will fail.

I mean, this has been done before- we are repeating our failed history over and over again, each time leading to further enslavement- these kind of movements have always provided perfect justifications for imposing limitations and taking away freedoms on the basis that they threaten the well-being of the majority- those who get their support from the system- and they will support the system because it’s how they get their lively-hood, and they will thus defend the current system out of fear for themselves and for their families for if they lose their job or the system crashes how will they survive? And so they will actually protect the abusive current system for fear of having no other way to support themselves and their loved-ones. And the government will use that as reason to take action against the much smaller movement.

I mean this is just the same that happens with disease, with viruses- it enter the body and if the body’s immune system recognize it as an attacker, it take action and destroy it, so the viruses had to evolve and over time has developed ways to not be detected as an threat to the system so that it do not set off the immune system reaction and get obliterated.

So anything that supports separation, such as this Anonymous movement, will always play into the hands of the system- because as long as your solution doesn’t consider everyone equally- as long as someone is left out- it will not work- because the ones that’s left out won’t accept it obviously- and the current abusive system can continue. Those in power simply implement further controls in the name of ‘public safety’- if these movement becomes violent and riots, as these things tend to do as they get large and harder to control the actions of the individuals acting as the group- this could turn into the perfect excuse for ‘micro-chipping’ to be implemented- so Anonymous are the actual proponents of micro-chipping- as they are busy working on speeding us up toward that end- which shows they have not considered actual solutions.

Yes the abuses taking place in the current system need to be exposed- yet Anonymous is only exposing ‘governments’ and ‘corporations’ as the ‘criminals’, so the general population points their fingers at these other ‘separate’ organizations and blames them for the abuse, and thus they get to avoid considering their own responsibility- their own part they have played in accepting and allowing and supporting the current system- as if somehow they system could exist without their participation in it- and in this we are all responsible for the current system.

To separate from the ‘governments’ and ‘corporations’ and blame them, is exactly why we’re in the mess we’re in- because we haven’t taken responsibility for ourselves- it’s like getting mad at the government because THEY didnt stop YOU from being abusive.

This is why Anonymous is not a solution- because Anonymous supports separation- while the actual solution is standing up, taking self-responsibility, and coming together to create a system which includes and supports everyone- it’s the only way that actually has a chance to work- history has proved this- we have tried every other way and they have all been within the starting point of separation- equality is the one thing we haven’t tried, ever, and it is the obvious solution and those that sought to control have done everything they could for eons to keep us from realizing the one simple solution which is equality.

Anonymous is just a echo of the past, a repetition of a history that has never worked and only led to more abuse, more limitation, more fear, more enslavement- What is required is a new system which support everyone equally- the Equal Money System is being developed based on the principle of equality and considers everyone, leaves no one out- guarantees everyone support to live and thrive- not just a few like in the current capitalist system. The Equal Money System is an actual solution that will lead to real change, it will lead to the end of poverty, of war, of deaths by preventable causes, of unnecessary suffering- the Equal Money System is the obvious solution, if Anonymous actually cares for humanity, cares for life, cares for real change for the better of all and to end all abuse- they would be calling for an Equal Money System.

How many times do we need to repeat history? And walk through manifested consequences of extensive suffering, before we’ll finally realize that we must stand up and be the solution?

Anonymous will end up being just another movement that led to further control and enslavement, it’s a pattern we’ve been repeating over and over, and has been allowed to continue as it allows the abusive system to continue- so Anonymous will not bring the end of the system, it will not bring a solution- it only promotes resisting and what you resist, persists.

It’s time to stop these endless cycles and do something real for a change- not just follow and copy the designs that’s been laid out for us within the history stories and tv and movie stories that keeps things just the way they are so we can never break free- never expand into what we could really be, but just be forever trapped in cycles. Time to break the cycles, time to LIVE. Stand up for a real solution- a New System that supports All- Equal Money.

It is quite fascinating to apply myself in this point of becoming involved in politics, actually taking the time to really thoroughly walk myself through the history of the governments we have created which we have now. And really, the point of studying in general, about things that is actually relevant to this world, like the economic system and education system- I am finding it is actually quite cool to study these things because doing so brings me to a point of understanding how, these systems that exist currently which we are creating, actually function- how it is we create them, how it is they exist, by getting down into the ‘nitty-gritty’ details, and really seeing all aspects of what we are doing, or at least much more aspects than before, and as I come to understand how it works more and more, I also gain the ability to become a creative/directive force within it. Whereas, when I did not know how it worked, it was like a mystery to me and thus I had no way to become involved in it, in the world systems, I had no clue as to even how to start and thus I assumed I simply ‘was not able’ to participate at all, and in fact, I wasn’t able, if only because I lacked the understanding of how the systems work, and thus how to be able to move within and as them.
It is exactly like if you want to play chess, you must understand what the different pieces are, and how they are able to move and how they are restricted, etc, and thus you can see how our systems are much like a game, where there is established rules that you must learn to play, if you want to ‘play the game’. Ha, I remember various experiences in my life where I was playing a game that I’d never played before with someone who was quite experienced, and they would use my lack of knowledge of the rules and strategies of the game to their advantage in order to win and would make no effort to even explain the basic rules of the game, and it was like ‘what is the fucking point?’ to even play this game, if you are not going to even have me stand on equal ground to compete as equals. Nevermind that the very point that we for entertainment and pleasure will actually engage in games where the point is to win at another’s expense- this just shows the extent to which we’ve been brainwashed to believe that ‘accomplishment’ or ‘reward’ must and only comes at the expense of another. Which is quite fucked up when you realize that it does not at all require some to lose in order to gain, in fact it’s exactly the opposite, when it’s set up so that in order to gain, you must rob others, it is like crippling a part of yourself, a part of your own body, as a part of the whole body that is all humans and this existence, and therefore you actually hurt yourself, YOU actually LOSE.
In realizing this, it is Obvious Common Sense, to not have our systems set up for only a few to gain at the cost of others. I mean, how fucked-up is it- that we don’t even realize this point, that it does not require some to ‘lose’ in order to gain, and that in fact, we are all losing by this set up. This is what the Equal Money System is about- having a system in which Life can actually be enjoyable no matter where you are in this world, you will be supported as the Life that you are- not exploited with no other choice if you want to actually survive in this world. It’s a system which will reflect the realization that what is actually best for each individual is that which is beneficial for every individual, thus, that which is best for self, or in self’s interest, is that which is best for All and Everyone. One and the same. One and equal. It’s such a simple point, and it’s time now to stand up and live this realization into actual fact, and stop the needless abuse and suffering going on in this world.