Money isn’t everything? Yes and no. In this current system- money is everything- without money, you literally have nothing, not even the ability to live and breathe here, as your physical body requires support and without money, you have no access to that support, and you die. But life shouldn’t be all about money, which it is because not all are guaranteed enough money to have access to their needs, and for the majority of humanity, most of one’s time is spent doing whatever one can to get the money that is needed. Life has become ‘all about the money’ and not about actually living.

Many people will use this phrase however, as an excuse to not change the current system and to attack the Equal Money System, which uses money, saying “Money isn’t everything.” But obviously they’ve missed the point that money has become everything, as explained above. They also haven’t understood that ‘money’ in the Equal Money System, will not be the same as what money is today, as it will be simply a tool for facilitating the movement of resources to where it’s needed, and not have any intrinsic value in itself. Thus money will no longer be a thing that can be abused for the sake of profits at the expense of others. Since everyone will have the necessary money they require to acquire their needs, people’s lives will no longer be consumed by the need to find ways to acquire money- thus the Equal Money System will effectively make it so that money isn’t everything. Because obviously, that’s not all life should be about. Life should be about living to our fullest potential without allowing abuse in any way.

In order for us to be able to live as though ‘money isn’t everything’- we have to change how we value money so that indeed, it isn’t everything. In the Equal Money System money will become the tool which it was always ‘meant’ to be, but allowed to be abused at our expense, at the expense of life. Until we change our system to one of life support rather than one controlled by profit and greed, we’ll continue to be ruled by money and the pursuit of it and never really be able to live and be what we could be- the real custodians of the earth, our home, and give ourselves a life in which we’re free to live in the way that all life benefits equally.